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About FlyBoyd

  • Birthday 06/29/1975

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  • Flight Simulators
    Falcon BMS
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  • Occupation
    DoD Contract Pilot

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  1. Gents, Need some help with some trigger guidance. Here's what I have so far: I have a training sortie with a SAM Range. When you enter the range a menu item appears to activate SA-2. If you leave the area and do NOT activate the SA-2 the menu item goes away. Got that no problem. The issue is if you DO activate the SA-2 and you leave, the "Switched Condition" still brings up the menu item for the SA-2. I have it set so when the SA-2 is activated the menu goes away, which it does while you are in the zone. However if you exit and re-enter the menu item comes back even though you have no SA-2 to activate. Is there a way to remove the item from the menu even with a switched condition?? I don't mind just having it go away when you leave the zone, but I would like to have it disappear completely if it has been activated, so a new player doesn't think it is available. Any thoughts?? Thanks for the help!!
  2. For one of my training missions I have the GDUB off the coast and use 73X as the TACAN. While in the middle of the map however, I am getting TACAN info for ALN which is Al Ain International. I haven't set that airfield to blue and there isn't a TACAN on the airfield. Does anyone know why it would be grabbing 73X as a TACAN station??
  3. Despayre, so it appears that the issue is what sthompson is describing. To answer your questions though, it depends... Sometimes when I say "Select Shell" it goes to 256 or 258, but that appears to be based on which one is closest. Same thing for "approaching to refuel". If I am on 256 sometimes that will switch to 258 and vice versa. sthompson - Thanks for the reply! Just a couple of quick questions: 1. With "select tunes Radio" - off, does that turn easy comms back on? 2. Unfortunately in EDs wisdom there are only three callsigns for tankers, yet for our training missions we use four. Navy, USAF fast mover, Marine and a A10 USAF one. So I have to duplicate at least once. Although, I can geographically separate these, so if I leave select tunes radio on and then just fly closest to the tanker I want that should work right? Or is it just the closest tanker when the mission started? Thanks for the help!!
  4. Having a problem in a training mission where I have to Shell tanker callsigns. One is Shell 11 and the other is Shell 21, one is for fast movers and the other is for the Hawgs. Easy comms is OFF. Shell 11 is set to 256.00 and Shell 21 is set to 258.00. When I tune the radio to 256.00 and call for the Tanker it will switch the radio to 258.00 automatically and Shell 21 will respond. The only workaround is to then say "Shell Select" and it will switch back to 256, then say "approaching to refuel" and that seems to work. Is there a way to fix this??
  5. Thanks Flappie! That worked! The lesson learned is to call it “SINAIMAP_terrain”.
  6. Gents, Tried to install Sinai map for the server, but I keep getting “module not found SINAI_terrain”. I am running the install command after the updater.exe and it doesn’t take. I’ve even purchased it on the account I am using to sign into the server, but still doesn’t work. I’m pretty sure you don’t need to buy the terrain for that to work, but I wanted to try it anyway. Any ideas? Thanks!
  7. Sorry yes VAICOM.
  8. Gents, Can't seem to figure this one out. So I have the WInwing F-16 throttle. I setup the comm switch in DCS to be like it is on the handle. VHF forward and UHF backward. I then setup the forward VHF to be TX1 and the UHF to be TX2 in Voiceattack. When I setup up UHF for the tanker for example, it transmits over UHF and you can see the light in DED light up and you can see the call go out in the upper left asking for "approaching to refuel". However I get no response. When I transmit on VHF though I see the VHF light up on the DED but the response comes through the UHF side and that lights up. So I'm stumped! What setting am I missing? Any ideas??
  9. Need some assistance trying to Host at home. I finally figured out how to open the specific port on my router (had to create static IP) and I have two separate DCS accounts with separate module purchases. I can host a mission on my desktop and my friends can see me, however when I try to join from my laptop on the same network I can see the mission just fine, but when I click on it the "Connection to Server" window pops up where you put in the IP and password. The IP address is that of my desktop (again static now) but when I click enter it appears to load for like half a second, but then backs out the same connection window. Any ideas?? Something I'm missing? Thanks!
  10. I am having trouble getting the port 10308 to open on my router. I have the netgear XR500 router and I am hardwired into it for my desktop. I use Spectrum for my ISP and my speeds are great. The issue is when I go into the port forwarding setting of my router I set it to the internal IP address of my computer which is I setup the port I want to open and hit apply. When I go to check with a port checker it keeps saying that it is closed. I even tried setting up the internal IP address to static in windows and that didn't help either. I am at the end of my rope here and can't think of anything else to try. I tried calling support for the router, but the girl on the phone could only walk me through the process of port forwarding (which I already know) and not how to troubleshoot. I don't think my external IP address from Spectrum is static. Does that make a difference? Any help would be appreciated!!
  11. Unfortunately in the Orbi there isn’t a setting for that. It does have a built in firewall but there isn’t a way to turn it off. I think the only way for me to do this is going to be buy a new modem and then use the Orbi as air drops instead of a router. I do have a lot of friends I fly with with the Xfinity routers and they have all ran into that same issue you described.
  12. I have been trying to find an answer to this for weeks. I have a netgear modem with the Orbi router (best wifi in the house!) but when I go to host a multiplayer no one can see me. I've tried to open the standard port 10308 but still nothing. Do I need a static IP in order to do this? Every time I play with the guys and check my IP is always seems to be the same, but I have a feeling it's still considered a dynamic IP. Also the IP in the orbi settings under the port forwarding tab starts with 192.168 and isn't the same as my actual IP. Is that the issue?? I would like to be able to host missions when the other guys can't but for the life of me I can't figure this out. Please help!!
  13. Gents, Still have some stuff for sale: Oculus CV1 with in ear headphone and two extra sensors - Used but still excellent condition. Still have box with everything you need. $225 EVGA 1080Ti FTW3 Video Card - Used for about six months before getting my 2080. $500 Thrustmaster T16000M brand new in box - $90 I also have a used one for $60. (This includes throttle and joystick) Saitek X56 Rhino used - $100. Thrustmaster Elite Rudder Pedals (old school version) used - $40 Thrustmaster Elite Rudder Pedals with RUSBA from Realsimulator - $80 2 brand new Cougar HOTAS sticks. Just the stick and original base - no throttle. - $100 Prices do not include shipping, just send me a private message if interested or if you need more information or pictures of any of the above items. Panic
  14. The TGP will lase when you are in Auto mode. The reason it does it down to 10 seconds to impact is to give the weapon more energy before it starts guiding on the laser. GBU-10s and 12s work with guidance where the fins are moving full deflection when tracking a laser, losing a ton of energy in the process. Most pilots wait for 10 seconds to impact so the bomb is streamlined in the air at 400 knots until then.
  15. My squadron mates were doing some training with it tonight and we think they messed with the TGP in preparation for the ground attack radar. It’s similar to when they were going to release the super carrier, the update right before that messed up the normal carrier ops. It is definitely frustrating but not unusable. I’ve heard the 3rd of June update is supposed to release the radar, so maybe then it will be fixed.
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