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Posts posted by MrAMRAAM

  1. Hello there everyone! I am building a new rig, Ryzen 5 3600 (Basic, I know.) 1TB NVME, and 32Gigs of Ram! But, a tradeoff for a few months is that I'll be rocking an Old 780TI until I can upgrade it a few months down the line.


    How should I expect it to run? Maybe low-med settings? (Medium textures due to low VRAM of course), but other than that. Do any of you have any experience running this GPU in today's sim age?



  2. Hi there, community!

    I am currently figuring out an interview with CA ANG Pilots flying the F-16Cs leased from South Dakota.

    Hit me with your Q&A Questions!

    Current questions we already have gotten

    What is it like to be some of the last ANG Pilots still flying F-16s?

    Is there much of a rivalry between you and the F-15C pilots of the Guard?

    How many of them fly commercial simulators in their free time. Do they use DCS for entertainment or training?


    Why doesn’t the March Detachment use F-15Cs like the rest of the guard instead of the F-16s?

  3. F-16 Oscillations and Pitch/Yaw Problem


    Aircraft will go into a heavy left - right oscillation when using slight rudder sometimes. And sometimes will pitch up and down uncontrollably (which I do not have a video of) but, the aircraft will go full pitch down and full pitch up, blacking you out, and it does this for about 10-15 seconds at least.


    Here is the left-right oscillation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n1YRG4sXbs

  4. no matter what keyboard key or stick button I assign them to, not even the gun will fire. So, bummed out. This is the only plane in DCS i've had issues with getting it to work. Tried to get a refund from Steam but, they wouldn't do :(

    Make sure you have your Master Arm on! Also, for gun, search "Second Trigger Detent" and assign your button.

  5. Let me give you something to get hyped about:

    According to all the original performance charts I've been studying in detail so far, the F-16 will be the overall best dogfighter in DCS to date.


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