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Everything posted by krakovv

  1. When will it come to stable? When i play it in Open Beta it crashes the game..
  2. As the title says, i can't get the ATC to grant me start-up request, i am on GREEN 3 channel and nothing happens. I can even hear others asking for request and getting it granted but when i ask for it nothing happens. Am i doing something wrong, pls help?
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  3. Thanks for the info. Yeah, i absolutely love early jet era and would definitely spend money on some map, planes and campaigns of the period, there is still no sim that properly covers that. We have sims for WW1, WW2 and late Cold war era but some 50's and 60's would be real nice!
  4. As the title suggests i wanna know is the campaign still relevant and works as intended? Also are there any other MiG-15 campaigns worth playing?
  5. Well, thanks once more for info on manuals. Yeah, my bad on 84's. Ok, that is clear now, i feel much better. So the best way of learning is reading manuals and trying myself, noted.
  6. Ok, thanks for the fast answers! I will download Razbam's manual too then. Ok, but can i carry for example: Mk 82's and Mk 84's in one loadout and different types of GBU's in separate loadout? Or they all have to be same weight? Can i carry Beluga's with something else? I've seen some videos, most notably Grim Reapers Tutorial's where he is carrying Mk 82's and GBU's so i got little bit confused when reading the manual. I'm also pleased that this "problem" is not a bug and it is intentional design of the module. It is interesting to learn such limitations existed on real planes so thanks for that info
  7. I have a question from the title; are the training missions in DCS stable still relevant after all these changes? I just got the module and i know that there has been a lot of changes since release so that's why i'm asking. I have read in the latest guide by chuck about not carrying different types of Air-to-Ground ordnance, can someone explain this in more detail? What can u combine or u have to have all the same weapons in one particular Air-to-Ground loadout and why? Thanks for the answers!
  8. Hello guys, i'm sorry to bother you with this popular question it seems but i have a problem i can't get rid off. As the title suggests i'm unable to join any multiplayer server. I can see the server list and it even loads the server page when i click it where you can see teams and which planes u can fly and which are taken, but at that instant it freezes and i can't click anything no matter how long i wait and then game just crashes. It started happening few months ago but i didn't have time to play so i waited and thought some patch would fix it. I contacted my ISP and CG-NAT is disabled so that is not the problem. I don't have any mods, game is pure vanilla. Does anyone have some idea what should i check next and help me diagnose the problem? Thank you guys for any help! EDIT: i am stupid i forgot i had old Skyhawk mode...mods can delete or lock this thread.
  9. I have solved my problem by asking my ISP to get me off the CG-NAT routing which they did and now everything is ok. But i don't know why it is a problem because all the other multiplayer games worked.
  10. Hi, i have the exact same problem with "Please wait screen" and can't at all connect to any server. I mean that is the problem, why all other multiplayer games work but DCS does not? Any help would be really useful;)
  11. Same here, after the last patch i can't join any server even though my connection is stable and ping is between 60 and 100 on selected servers.... Is there anything i can do to fix it?
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