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  1. How can I get the player name in multiplayer server? When he operates the radio menu (MIST)
  2. 请问在多人伺服器里,当玩家使用F10无线电菜单选择项目时,如何同时获取该玩家的名称呢? 以下是我的测试(MIST),无论如何都是取得伺服器的ID,这可真伤脑筋 local function GetName() PlayerID = net.get_my_player_id( ) PlayerName = net.get_player_info(PlayerID , 'name') net.send_chat(PlayerName, all) end local Menu_Item = {"Menu1"} local SubMenu_Item_1 = {"Function1"} local Function_Menu1 = missionCommands.addSubMenuForCoalition(coalition.side.RED, Menu_Item[1], nil) missionCommands.addCommandForCoalition(coalition.side.RED, SubMenu_Item_1[1], Function_Menu1, GetName, {path={Menu_Item[1], SubMenu_Item_1[1]}}) 使用net.get_player_list( )可以抓到所有玩家列表,但其实我是需要每一次都显示出是哪一位玩家操作了F10无线电选单,感谢帮忙。
  3. Thank you very much for your help I don't understand about missionCommands.addCommandForGroup don't see in this page https://wiki.hoggitworld.com/view/Category:MIST At first I thought I would use the code below to catch the player who triggers the radio menu, but every time I get it it's my own name lol serverID = net.get_server_id( ) serverName = net.get_player_info(serverID , 'name') Anyway, this is really difficult for me, and I really appreciate everyone's help.
  4. Thank you! That's a shame...because so often people come and trick and we want to know who did it.
  5. How do I catch Username when the Players trigger event using the MIST radio menu ? (multiplayer server) Thanks! local function setFlagsRED(v) trigger.action.setUserFlag(v.flag, v.val) missionCommands.removeItemForCoalition(coalition.side.RED, {[1] = v.path[1], [2] = v.path[2]}) end local Menu_Item = {"Menu1","Menu2"} local SubMenu_Item_1 = {"Function1", "Function2", "Function3"} local SubMenu_Item_2 = {"Function1", "Function2"} local Function_Menu1 = missionCommands.addSubMenuForCoalition(coalition.side.RED, Menu_Item[1], nil) local Function_Menu2 = missionCommands.addSubMenuForCoalition(coalition.side.RED, Menu_Item[2], nil) missionCommands.addCommandForCoalition(coalition.side.RED, SubMenu_Item_1[1], Function_Menu1, setFlagsRED, {flag=1, val=true, path={Menu_Item[1], SubMenu_Item_1[1]}}) missionCommands.addCommandForCoalition(coalition.side.RED, SubMenu_Item_1[2], Function_Menu1, setFlagsRED, {flag=2, val=true, path={Menu_Item[1], SubMenu_Item_1[2]}}) missionCommands.addCommandForCoalition(coalition.side.RED, SubMenu_Item_1[3], Function_Menu1, setFlagsRED, {flag=3, val=true, path={Menu_Item[1], SubMenu_Item_1[3]}}) missionCommands.addCommandForCoalition(coalition.side.RED, SubMenu_Item_2[1], Function_Menu2, setFlagsRED, {flag=4, val=true, path={Menu_Item[2], SubMenu_Item_2[1]}}) missionCommands.addCommandForCoalition(coalition.side.RED, SubMenu_Item_2[2], Function_Menu2, setFlagsRED, {flag=5, val=true, path={Menu_Item[2], SubMenu_Item_2[2]}})
  6. Keep waiting for a good solution. thanks!
  7. I also encountered the same problem Don’t know if the problem has improved? thanks
  8. I definitely want to buy it, but I thought I needed to buy two sets of one for the server ^^
  9. Me too, does the server have to buy a Supercarrier? Thanks.
  10. SU34 lost his Perform Task - Bombing (The Spawn after five seconds) Is there a solution? Thank you! MOOSE TEST.miz
  11. 大神!!! 請受小第一拜~~~~ 太感謝您了....差五分鐘我就重灌了.... 果然是因為我在UI Layer裡面有綁定按鍵 這下節省了寶貴的重灌時間 哈哈 謝謝您喔!
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