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Posts posted by EmilDamian

  1. Yeah, that's really sad since SSA can not determine if the plane slides over a runway or stands still on a moving deck. Up to now, I was not able to find a good workaround with the data I can extract from DCS...

    Hi f4l0,


    I do have a Realteus ForceFeel, wich lay unused because I only play DCS. I also have an Oculus headset and a motion rig (3DOF).

    I'm also a programmer, so I was wandering if I can help testing the Wings integration with DCS for Forcefeel.


    Thank you

  2. The real goal of RTX is VR


    Am I the only one that finds all the negative people posting irritating? Maybe that's why you can't afford a new graphics card? If spending $1000 on a new card is going to bankrupt you and your family, you shouldn't be wasting your time flying imaginary airplanes on a computer or commenting in a flight sim forum. Take the money and put it in a college fund for your children or use the money to enhance your salary and marketable skills. How much time did you spend gaming and siming in the last year? Unless you flip burgers for a living that would have more than payed for any computer upgrade you want.


    For those subject to high taxes, import fees, and exchange rates, that has nothing to do with Nvidia. Change your government's economic policies.


    There are serious entitlement issues in the PC gaming and Flight Sim communities. But I have solution. If you don't like Nvidia's prices, don't buy them. It really is that simple. 1000 series prices have dropped, buy one used. $500 dollars spent today gets you a whole lot more bang for your buck than 5 years ago. What level of price and performance would make you happy exactly? 50 teraflops for $400? Maybe in 10 years.


    I just started the Witcher 2 because I liked 3 so much. Its a 2011 game that looks gorgeous in 4K with the settings maxed. Way ahead of its time. And I bought if for like $5 bucks on a Steam sale. Getting a 4K panel to display it on in 2011 would have been impossible let alone a graphics card that could push that many pixels. We've come a long way in a very short period of time gentleman. Important to keep that in perspective.


    Nvidia has some of the smartest people in the world working with multibillion dollar budgets. Where do you think that money comes from? If you think you can do better. Get an EE degree and start your own GPU company and compete with Nvidia. Good luck with that.


    My Titan Xp was one of the best computer purchases I ever made. The 1080 TI came out like a month after but I hit break even on my Titan months ago.


    Right now, there isn't one single person on these boards who knows how the 2080 Ti will perform in DCS. It's uninformed speculation at best and you are cluttering up the forums with useless information. No amount of trash talking Nvidia online is going to make AMD cards perform better ,draw less watts, or cause prices to drop.


    All the 2080 Ti preorders in the world are currently sold out. Those are the real numbers Nvidia is looking at. Not the uninformed whiney "expert" on a forum or Youtube. Stop embarrassing yourself. Computer gaming is a luxury purchase for your leisure time and hobby pursuits. I have yet to see one developer, AI researcher, or artist complain about the price because the card will make them more productive and efficient. Faster machine learning, faster rendering.


    Sorry about the rant, but this is getting old quick. I'm sure there are tons of people who aren't going to upgrade their PC due to budget constraints. They don't whine about it publicly or blame Nvidia.




    Well put.

    What nobody is talking about is that Nvidia is paving the way for the next VR headsets.

    Raytracing is absolutely needed to advance VR.

    Take a look at this article from 2017 by Dr. Morgan McGuire of NVidia





    And one year later we already have the foundation tech:


    - raytracing

    - AI chip on board

    - special VR connector on card


    For people blinded by FPS, CUDA core number, specs, please try to see a little bit in the future and not hang on meaningless figures.

    I remember when someone was really happy that the Linux kernel can fit into a 1.44 Mb floppy disk. What a big advantage :)



    RTX is not a marketing trick, is the future.

  3. Huge news from Nvidia:




    It will be probably used with the VR generation 2 wave devices.

    DirectX 12 full support (on Volta GPU) but nothing yet about a Vulkan implementation.


    Until now all of this were just research subjects:




    Now it's almost a reality with real products announced.


    Can't wait ...

  4. So detaching the wings from the fuselage save me power for another x FPS.

    But I still have enough power to render hundreds of cockpit shiny switches, some of them not implemented. They should be rendered because are important.

    I'm not complaining about the wheels, I don't see them.


    But please, render the wings correctly, they are important.


    Look at the RAZBAM planes. A joy to look at... No complaints there.

  5. Hello,


    In the training missions of MiG-21bis (I'm using Oculus CV1), the cockpit is open.

    I can take a look back and see that the right wing is not connected to the aircraft body.

    The same thing during flight.

    Any one having this issue?


    If I stand up the whole rendering is completely broken but I can accept that is not a normal position.

    But as a pilot, seeing the detached wings during flight, broke the thin immersion (already too difficult to keep in VR on normal hardware).


    Can someone else confirm the issue?


    Thank you,






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