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  1. The default gain for the NVGs is too low and needs to be changed. I assumed the Kiowa's laser was for visually pointing out targets and you were meant to use CCIP.
  2. I've always preferred cinematic narratives to dry milsim exercises when it comes to campaigns, so this seemed custom made for me. People have mentioned that the missions are short, only 30 minutes or so. What you don't realise is that you will be constantly carrying out actions for those 30 minutes. It's only from playing this campaign that I realised how much downtime you have in others, transitioning between waypoints and waiting for long radio exchanges to carry out. Even the default "scramble" missions that come with the F18 have or Baltic Dragon's story-heavy campaigns have lots of downtime circumnavigating the map. 30 minutes of frantically clicking switches and designating targets is plenty. And they're more fun to replay. This is more Eagle Dynamics' fault but some of the weapons the campaign has you employ early on are ones there are no tutorial missions for (seriously, there are so many weapons not covered at all. Even the Weapon Qualification missions don't cover everything). Thank #### for Chuck's Guides. The voice acting ingame is fine, so's the translation except when it comes to anything relating to original terms such as the sci-fi energy source everyone's fighting over or strangereal countries & factions. There's a few times where it's obvious the voice actors had no idea what context the lines were being delivered in. Translation for the visual novels is considerably worse but you get the gist of it. The voice acting for the VN cutscenes are Chinese only and are your typical shallow VN fluff. The video files are labelled "VN_Before_M1", _M2, etc and I made the mistake of thinking that the first mission was "M1" when it's the Prologue, so I was watching them out of sync for like the first 4 missions. Sucks that the DCS engine has no native video playing ability. The story ends on a cliffhanger but it's really hard to care. The action arc ends at an adequate point though. You start killing drones, level up to mixed AA/AG missions and finally start taking on squadrons of F15s and Su-27s. I never thought I'd be good enough to tangle with multiple F15s or MiGs simultaneously and come out alive but I managed to do it multiple times in this campaign. Would have preferred more missions but who doesn't want more content for less money...? I would say the best mission and most Ace Combat-like was Mission 8. It captures the most important aspect of Ace Combat missions: narrative (something I didn't realise until they took it away in Ace Combat 6, but that's another story). Telling convincing 30 second stories of all these squads and teams in the air and on the ground and making you feel like an integral part of a larger war machine. Of course, this requires lots of good scripting, voice over work, and finely-tuned gameplay, so only some of the missions achieve this. You can tell some missions received less love than others and that they were squeezed for dev time. I would have actually liked more landing requirements. Typically missions will immediately end once all your objectives are complete even if you're in the middle of enemy territory. I personally enjoy how involved landings are and doing them over and over in campaigns is usually how I get good at them. More campaigns should have ingame music. ED now need to add a separate option to disable menu music. Mid-mission "checkpoints" are indeed handy. They're not perfect and some of their spacing is questionable. They're actually just separate missions configured to start halfway through, so plane status, expended weapons, kills, etc aren't carried over. But it was definitely better to have them than not have them. Given how other modules have missions that let you choose different planes (of the same module but different configuration) to possess, it feels it might be possible to let the player pick a jet from the different modules they have installed and are loadout-suitable. That would give it a more Ace Combat feel. I would have liked to go Harrier or JF-17 in some of the missions. Obviously there would have to be one plane that would be suitable for all missions due to how campaigns have to be attached to a module. My reviews might come of as negative because I will highlight every instance something could have been improved, but it was definitely worth a buy.
  3. Climbing to 40k ft and then at WYPT2 diving down to 30k did make a difference. Have passed the mission. Could never get the SLAM to behave consistently though.
  4. I'm stuck on Mission 10. I fly to Waypoint 2 and get prompted to fence in. With Waypoint 3 selected, I click the WPDSG button and see the IN RNG message. When my teammates fire, I launch as well. However even with FLT LOW selected the missile goes up in the air in a gentle arc and immediately becomes slower than my plane. It takes ages for the TMR countdown to reach 0 and the missile is normally intercepted before then. Am I missing a step?
  5. Whilst we're on the subject this is also incorrect. You appear to have confused "early development" with "early access". The two phrases are completely unrelated. In fact most EA games are comparatively late in development when up for public release as that's the only way you can have a functioning gameplay loop.
  6. Regardless of your opinion on the quality of current releases and roadmaps, the above statement is fundamentally wrong: https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/store/earlyaccess
  7. No, I do have AI Rafale & Eurofighter installed though
  8. Still present in latest beta
  9. Tested on the L-39. Latest OB version.
  10. RB-05 training mission. The guidance flare on the RB-05 seems to clip out of view after only a few seconds (I was 3-4km from target waypoint and it was still disappearing before it reached the X). I don't remember it being that short. Working as intended? edit: see attached. I fired it when I was at 9km and took screens straddling the point the flare disappears. Only made it 3 km.
  11. So I've been replaying Mission 4 "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown" a lot prior to and post the 2.5.6 patch. Post the patch, on the way to waypoint 2, when I get around 10km to the navpoint the desired path shown by the HUD will suddenly jump to the left by an inch like it's just recalculated the route. Is this a bug or intentional behaviour? edit: might also explain why pre-patch the cluster bombs always carpeted the target area perfectly but post-patch the left side escapes unscathed. This is heading to Waypoint 7 on the way home but you can see how the HUD director and the yellow dial on the center panel don't line up.
  12. Happens intermittently in mission editor. Happens consistently in Wrath of Thunder Mission 4 when I try to engage the Frogfoots. CTDs without the usual DCS error message so no crash logs were made, only the standard one. Does not appear to occur with any other weapon. dcs2.txt
  13. You were right. Sensor Fwd wasn't doing anything. There was no highlighted control conflict but once I changed the keybind and made it go from TV to IRMV it was able to lock. I was using default keybindings for everything so might be a bug?
  14. Have read the other threads and watched tutorial videos. Playing the short versions of the M17 training mission and I can't get the non-laser Mavericks to lock in any of them. These are my steps: Press A/G mode button & master arm on. Go to stores and select Mavericks so IRMV is boxed. Ready tone already displayed. Press Sensor Aft twice to get light green cam feed on right MFD. Press TDC down (not aft) to lock ground and then use TDC to slew over target. Uncage maverick to get black & green cam feed on left MFD. Press FOV button to zoom in. Press Sensor Fwd once. At this point I have feeds on both MFDs and pressing the TDC slew will slew both cameras. I have a BMP dead center on both screens and when I press TDC down it should lock, but it doesn't. Am within 7.5nm. Both MFDs have IRMV boxed displayed and on the HUD is IRMV U. Have confirmed that TDC down and bomb pickle buttons are working for other tasks. I read on Hoggit that spawning with your Mavericks already cooled down is bugged so I ran the cooldown sequence for >3 mins even though it already says RDY TONE, but no difference. What am I missing?
  15. I'm not buying this thing blind. Someone must have bought it?
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