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Thank you -Rudel-, It is good to know it hasn't been abandoned. :)
According to the website, the planned release of the CE2 was late March. FAQ : "What is the expected release date of Christen Eagle II module ? We plan to release Christen Eagle II in late Q1 of 2018." Has anyone heard any more up to date news on this? I am looking forward to this module arriving, but there seems to have been a bit of a news blackout up to and past the projected release date. I am just asking for any news on the release date/state. Please don't reply with anti-CE2 sentiments, it is already abundantly clear that many vocal people don't approve, and that is entirely their right. This is just a request for an update for those of us who are looking forward to the module arriving in DCS World. Thank you
In the case of long time steam users the program may well be installed under program files (x86) in the steam apps folder that was created by steam back in windows 7 days. The OS may then have been updated to the latest Windows 10 version, but it will have left the program files(x86) folder and contents where they were.
Relocating out of the program files(x86) worked for me. The error message looked like it might have been having problems with string handling logic dealing with in the pathname. "./Bazar/shaders/metashaders/shadingModels/shadingModel_MapTex.decomposed.meta.hlsl(12,6-12): error X3000: unrecognized identifier 'Program'"
I can confirm that the problem has gone away when I moved my installation out of "program files (86)" and onto a different drive.
I am just moving 170Gb of installation across drives to test this theory for you.
It doesn't affect everyone. If it did, I suspect this thread would be ten times as big by now. With any luck, you might be one of the many who are not affected. I have the problem on my setup. I have steam install and I have verified the files are all good. Deferred shading was and is on. Error that stops the fun is reported as: 2018-04-25 23:54:58.838 INFO RENDERER: Compile shader metashaders/terrain/varyhouselod.fx|metashaders/transformmodifiers/transform_vertinstanser.meta.hlsl|CLIPMAP_NORMAL_MAP=;CLIPMAP_SHADOW_MAP=;COLORCLIPMAP_ALPHA_IS_AO=;COLOR_CLIPMAP=;DIRECTX11=true;LAKE_COLORCLIPMAP=;NOISE_OP=PhotoshopOverlay;PBR_TEXTURES=;SPLATMAP=;STRUCTURED_INPUT=;SURFACE5=;TAD_CLIPMAP=;USE_DCS_DEFERRED=1;USE_TERRAIN_PALETTE=| 2018-04-25 23:54:58.850 ERROR RENDERER: Failed to build metashader: metashaders/terrain/varyhouselod.fx|metashaders/transformmodifiers/transform_vertinstanser.meta.hlsl|CLIPMAP_NORMAL_MAP=;CLIPMAP_SHADOW_MAP=;COLORCLIPMAP_ALPHA_IS_AO=;COLOR_CLIPMAP=;DIRECTX11=true;LAKE_COLORCLIPMAP=;NOISE_OP=PhotoshopOverlay;PBR_TEXTURES=;SPLATMAP=;STRUCTURED_INPUT=;SURFACE5=;TAD_CLIPMAP=;USE_DCS_DEFERRED=1;USE_TERRAIN_PALETTE=| Reason: MetaShader compile failed: metashaders/terrain/varyhouselod.fx|metashaders/transformmodifiers/transform_vertinstanser.meta.hlsl|CLIPMAP_NORMAL_MAP=;CLIPMAP_SHADOW_MAP=;COLORCLIPMAP_ALPHA_IS_AO=;COLOR_CLIPMAP=;DIRECTX11=true;LAKE_COLORCLIPMAP=;NOISE_OP=PhotoshopOverlay;PBR_TEXTURES=;SPLATMAP=;STRUCTURED_INPUT=;SURFACE5=;TAD_CLIPMAP=;USE_DCS_DEFERRED=1;USE_TERRAIN_PALETTE=|Shader "metashaders/terrain/varyhouselod.fx|metashaders/transformmodifiers/transform_vertinstanser.meta.hlsl|CLIPMAP_NORMAL_MAP=;CLIPMAP_SHADOW_MAP=;COLORCLIPMAP_ALPHA_IS_AO=;COLOR_CLIPMAP=;DIRECTX11=true;LAKE_COLORCLIPMAP=;NOISE_OP=PhotoshopOverlay;PBR_TEXTURES=;SPLATMAP=;STRUCTURED_INPUT=;SURFACE5=;TAD_CLIPMAP=;USE_DCS_DEFERRED=1;USE_TERRAIN_PALETTE=|" failed to compile. Reason: warning X4717: Effects deprecated for D3DCompiler_47 C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\DCSWorld\\Bazar/shaders/metashaders/terrain/varyhouselod.fx(392,19-92): warning X3206: 'HackAlbedoWhenSunIsCloseToZenithAngle': implicit truncation of vector type C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\DCSWorld\\Bazar/shaders/metashaders/terrain/varyhouselod.fx(459,21-98): warning X3206: 'Sample': implicit truncation of vector type C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\DCSWorld\\Bazar/shaders/metashaders/terrain/varyhouselod.fx(460,25-111): warning X3206: 'SampleBias': implicit truncation of vector type ./Bazar/shaders/metashaders/shadingModels/shadingModel_MapTex.decomposed.meta.hlsl(12,6-12): error X3000: unrecognized identifier 'Program'
Thanks Ramsay, Now I think about it, I did catch this for the av8b. Thanks for the reminder. Hope they consider giving the gulf map a brief initial discount to balance the lack of prepurchase on steam. I just thought ED might gain some benefit for themselves if they did support actual pre purchase on steam.
As I understand it, steam does have a prepurchase mechanism. Is there any chance that ED modules that are being offered as prepurchase on the ED store might be offered on steam using that mechanism? It is a little frustrating seeing things like the hornet and the Persian gulf map being offered as pre purchase, which I assume offers some benefit to ED by way of revenue/market info, but not being able to commit to the pre purchase myself because I am on the steam platform. The popular ‘drop steam’ suggestion doesn’t really work for me. :)
Hi Guys, Thoroughly enjoying the new caucuses map in the 2.5 beta. The railway system and trains make a very nice addition to the overall immersive-ness of the world. Just noticed that the trains occasionally get routed towards each-other on the same track and actually pass through each-other when they would collide. Whenever I have seen this happen, the second parallel rail track is empty. As there generally seem to be two rail tracks running parallel over much of the rail routes, maybe if the trains were spawned on the track based on their direction such that all trains on the left track run southbound and all on the right track run northbound (just picking example directions) then this problem would not occur. Not a huge thing, but I searched, didn't see any previous post and thought there was a chance that it may well be a fairly easy fix and it would definitely prevent these phantom collisions from breaking immersion for anyone who spots it happening.:)