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About spinter

  • Birthday 03/22/1969

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  1. i am doing old work, i need to know if it is possible to determine cargo status for UH1. Get status on board or not! Thanks for the reply!
  2. Ho letto nella news di DCS che hanno fatto girare i server dedicati ai server online più quotati. Per info qualche italiano lo sta usando? Come va? A chi si può chiedere?
  3. avete una mix abbastanza pesante da mettere in test il server?
  4. Ciao a tutti sto facendo dei test su una macchina VPS Ho guardato vari post non sono certo di aver tolto il renderin 3d io ho fatto cosi ho messo maxfps = 30; render3D = false; C:\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Config\graphics.lua e giusto o c'è altro?
  5. Grazie Bene e te ? ho provato a cercare ma non trovo
  6. Come da titolo esiste un profilo grazie
  7. forse risolto e la clip che mi da problemi!
  8. sto facendo test appena risolvo scrivo!
  9. Forse sono 5 o 6 anni che lo uso e tutto ok ,ha incominciato da un po a darmi questi problemi!
  10. Da qualche tempo ho un problema fastidiosissimo con il mio track ir 5 Quando guardo il centro ok ma se mi sposto in altre direzioni mi trabballa dandomi quasi mal di mare.non mi aveva mai fatto e un problema noto anche a voi o è colpa mia che son vecchio?
  11. hai provato a passare direttamente con l'ip?
  12. I created this script looks if you're lucky the wells are created automatically until you turn off distrugendoli them, if you can destroy them quit smoking First I create the trigger as the first two triggers (Trigger 1) and (Trigger2) ONCE - TIMEMORE 2 - Do SCRIPT ------------------------------ -- eventi ------------------------------ do numbertime = {} numbertime [1]=1 numbertime [2]=1 numbertime [3]=1 numbertime [4]=1 numbertime [5]=1 numbertime [6]=1 numbertime [7]=1 numbertime [8]=1 numbertime [9]=1 numbertime [10]=1 numbertime [11]=1 numbertime [12]=1 trigger.action.setUserFlag(1, true) trigger.action.setUserFlag(2, true) trigger.action.setUserFlag(3, true) trigger.action.setUserFlag(4, true) trigger.action.setUserFlag(5, true) trigger.action.setUserFlag(6, true) trigger.action.setUserFlag(7, true) trigger.action.setUserFlag(8, true) trigger.action.setUserFlag(9, true) trigger.action.setUserFlag(10, true) trigger.action.setUserFlag(11, true) trigger.action.setUserFlag(12, true) customEventHandler = {}; function customEventHandler:onEvent(event) if event.initiator then if (world.event.S_EVENT_DEAD == event.id) then local _location = event.initiator:getPoint(); -- coordinates local _time = timer.getTime(); -- internal time in seconds local _name = event.initiator:getName(); local alt = land.getHeight(_location) if _name== 'oil1'then trigger.action.setUserFlag(1, false) trigger.action.outText('Bel Colpo!', 15) end if _name== 'oil2'then trigger.action.setUserFlag(2, false) trigger.action.outText('Colpo Perfetto!', 15) end if _name== 'oil3'then trigger.action.setUserFlag(3, false) trigger.action.outText('Evvaiii!', 15) end if _name== 'oil4'then trigger.action.setUserFlag(4, false) trigger.action.outText('Sembri un Cecchino!', 15) end if _name== 'oil5'then trigger.action.setUserFlag(5, false) trigger.action.outText('One shot one kill', 15) end if _name== 'oil6'then trigger.action.setUserFlag(6, false) trigger.action.outText('Non Agitarti Troppo', 15) end if _name== 'oil7'then trigger.action.setUserFlag(7, false) trigger.action.outText('E anche questo è andato', 15) end if _name== 'oil8'then trigger.action.setUserFlag(8, false) trigger.action.outText('Bum!', 15) end if _name== 'oil9'then trigger.action.setUserFlag(9, false) trigger.action.outText('Devastazione totale', 15) end if _name== 'oil10'then trigger.action.setUserFlag(10, false) trigger.action.outText('E questo è mio!', 15) end if _name== 'oil11'then trigger.action.setUserFlag(11, false) trigger.action.outText('Splasc tutti in mare!!!', 15) end if _name== 'oil12'then trigger.action.setUserFlag(12, false) trigger.action.outText('Poveri Pesci', 15) end end end --event.initiator then end; world.addEventHandler(customEventHandler); end These are two for instance you can create 12 by changing the numbers CONTINUOS ACION - Do SCRIPT do local num = 1 if numbertime[num] == 40 then local Static = StaticObject.getByName('oil'..num) if Static then Static:destroy() end local pos = trigger.misc.getZone('Trigger'..num) trigger.action.explosion(pos, 20) local static = { ["shape_name"] = "neftevyshka", ["type"] = "Oil derrick", ["unitId"] = 5000+num, ["y"] = pos.point.z, ["x"] = pos.point.x, ["name"] = "oil"..num, ["category"] = "Fortifications", ["canCargo"] = false, ["heading"] = 0, ["dead"] = false, ["country"] = "Russia", } coalition.addStaticObject(country.id.USA, static) numbertime[num] = 1 local staticObj = StaticObject.getByName('oil'..num) --ddbData.units[1].x = staticObj:getPosition().p.x --ddbData.units[1].y = staticObj:getPosition().p.z --dbData.units[1].alt = staticObj:getPosition().p.y trigger.action.explosion(staticObj:getPosition().p, 30) end numbertime[num] = numbertime[num] + 1 end do local num = 2 if numbertime[num] == 40 then local Static = StaticObject.getByName('oil'..num) if Static then Static:destroy() end local pos = trigger.misc.getZone('Trigger'..num) trigger.action.explosion(pos, 20) local static = { ["shape_name"] = "neftevyshka", ["type"] = "Oil derrick", ["unitId"] = 5000+num, ["y"] = pos.point.z, ["x"] = pos.point.x, ["name"] = "oil"..num, ["category"] = "Fortifications", ["canCargo"] = false, ["heading"] = 0, ["dead"] = false, ["country"] = "Russia", } coalition.addStaticObject(country.id.USA, static) numbertime[num] = 1 local staticObj = StaticObject.getByName('oil'..num) --ddbData.units[1].x = staticObj:getPosition().p.x --ddbData.units[1].y = staticObj:getPosition().p.z --dbData.units[1].alt = staticObj:getPosition().p.y trigger.action.explosion(staticObj:getPosition().p, 30) end numbertime[num] = numbertime[num] + 1 end This if you want and an oil well in the water but you have to create the trigger in the water! do local num = 11 if numbertime[num] == 40 then local Static = StaticObject.getByName('oil'..num) if Static then Static:destroy() end local pos = trigger.misc.getZone('Trigger'..num) trigger.action.explosion(pos, 20) local static = { ["shape_name"] = "plavbaza", ["type"] = "Oil platform", ["unitId"] = 5000+num, ["y"] = pos.point.z, ["x"] = pos.point.x, ["name"] = "oil"..num, ["category"] = "Fortifications", ["canCargo"] = false, ["heading"] = 0, ["dead"] = false, ["country"] = "Russia", } coalition.addStaticObject(country.id.USA, static) numbertime[num] = 1 local staticObj = StaticObject.getByName('oil'..num) --ddbData.units[1].x = staticObj:getPosition().p.x --ddbData.units[1].y = staticObj:getPosition().p.z --dbData.units[1].alt = staticObj:getPosition().p.y trigger.action.explosion(staticObj:getPosition().p, 30) end numbertime[num] = numbertime[num] + 1 end
  13. you can have full script?
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