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Posts posted by pitkun

  1. Hi...


    Honestly it looks a bit messy....try to follow my steps i shared with you. Build it step by step, i will follow a nd give you more tips as you advance... always post with wire frame...cause you model as i see looks very shape stratched and over detailed at places where no need.


    Sorry for not so possitive critics, i just want to help you create a good model !

  2. My personal tip for making this model awesome:


    Go, and find a good source of blueprints, better a one with section lines, learn the shape from a closer look through pics and etc....and try to mimic the designers / constructors way of shape thinking... i will explain...


    all shapes out there made from super simple shapes...called primitives... once you crack this nut... you will be able to reproduce any fuselage shape.


    From what i see it a simple merge of cylinder with the canopy shape...and the intakes.


    Before you merge all to shape...first build them separate...shape it out in a way that all parts have same amount of polyflow... then work on the mergin.


    the secret is to build it exactly the way it built in the real world... it doesn't mean, you need to build every rivet...it means you have to dive everything by shapes !!!

  3. 49254931338_875b3bcd74_h.jpg


    Hi everyone,

    I came up with some idea... Recently I have aquiered a Kfir stick. And I decided to make some cool stuff and make it useful and useable.




    - Making the stick attachable and playable to bases like Thrustmaster and Virpil ... apologize for VKB owners.




    - After I finish with the stick conversion, and testing everything works as expected, I plan to contact one of the DCS streamers and he will make a giveaway of the stick. One lucky pilot will get it home by postman :).




    To make this project come to life there are some steps

    - Create the fitting/ conversion unit from stick tread to base tread. Will cost approximately 200 ILS, it's about 60 $.

    - PCB that will connect all the buttons and make them readable. This one a bit tricky... I plan to get a Warthog grip used or new, and to get its PCB to use in the stick. So it will be a warthog grip MOD. This will cost about 475 USD + BASE.


    In case you are interested to help me with this project and the giveaway, join the discord channel for more info and participation.


    IAF KFIR C2/C7 project and Kfir Stick Giveaway


    Enjoy !!!

  4. Hi everybody...







    Have an issue, can't find a solution nor somebody who has done that.


    If there is someone to know the workaround,you're welcome.



    The retraction was simulated with IK BONE TOLL - the red part.


    To the red part, I connected the green part, which is connecting between the fork and the bay cover. Actually, the green part is part of limb chain.


    The problem:


    As long as the green part, is connected/ linked to the red IK BONE TOOL, the export skips over this part, and it does not appear in the modelviewr nor the game.


    Same goes for the blue piston, connected to LOOK AT tool. Notice that the blue piston have a complex movement rotation, so it's not possible to solve it with keyframe animation!



    thank you all

  5. Hello everybody,


    I wanted to ask regarding exporting IK BONE linked objects, and LOOK AT linked objects...


    Is there any workaround that?


    Where can I find a correct way of doing that tutorial?


    As I'm trying to export, the mesh is missing on the viewer.



    In my opinion, this is a very obvious set of tools should be implemented in the exporter,



    ED team please consider this in the next release or fix.


    Thank you

  6. Guys,


    If there is somebody who is in touch with ED please ask them, to make some update to the EDM tools set to at least 2018. We have a subscription to max 2018 and there is no way to install another version. We are a studio, and making this big change can ruin some network setups.


    Maybe, the open source, free from the installer, will allow to only load it a plugin to Max and it will work.


    Thank you!

  7. OT. Che strano che un israeliano abbia il cellulare impostato con la lingua russa...
    interessante notare, ma io davvero russo, ma piuttosto Bielorussia. Immigrato in Israele quasi 25 anni fa. ciao a tutti da Israele caldo, anche se il tempo in italia è lo stesso.



    Отправлено с моего SM-G955F через Tapatalk

  8. Hello, first let me tell you that we are on the Italian forum and would be very welcome if I post in Italian as we do when we post in the international section.



    Then, you have no need to provide explanations on how the team that will make the Kfir works, mine were simply considerations not to work and I would never dream of going to say to someone who certainly knows a lot more than me in the matter how to organize your work.



    I wish you and your team a good job and I hope to see the Kfir as soon as I am very interested :)




    Sorry for my bad english..




    Farò del mio meglio ora, ma se qualcosa va storto, questo è google. Il mio grande desiderio è che questo progetto diventi vivo. Vedo questi aerei morire nel museo ogni volta che vengo a scansionare alcuni dati, e la mia speranza è che DCS ci dia la possibilità di riportarli in cielo, anche se è solo un virtuale. Buon anno a tutti


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  9. Pitkun I think you don't need explanation to anyone of how you want to run your "business". We as customers can only vote with our wallet.

    I wish you the best for your project! My wallet is ready ;)

    Thank you, as soon as this have a GO and done!


    * this is the only way to grab good coders, show them what we have already, show the effort, and accept them to the team.




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  10. Ma infatti non lo è, il problema a cui mi riferivo è il fatto che prima annunci un'aeroplano e poi ti metti alla ricerca dei coders per realizzarlo quando invece dovresti già avere la squadra pronta, insomma non mi pare che siano partiti con i crismi del caso, anche perchè se non trovano i coders di cui necessitano dubito molto che questo annuncio abbia un riscontro concreto, boh vedremo...



    There is no problem, there is exact way to do things.


    1. You need not to be in the shadow, create a team develop a plane and then get the surprise of plane beeing done


    2. We setup a project, showing our first steps in modeling ability, and right kind of info grabed of the plane. ED must see it first to tell GO NOGO.


    For this reason we first want to show as an artists what we wanna do and show it, that we are serious. Then we looking for coders want to join to the project, at first as voluntires, to create the basic code, to get the GO. Then if we got it working we become an organic team who work on the modul.


    Any other way can lead you to already in procces modul.


    Like HB done, everybody see the A6 to become AI, now no one else gona jump on it.


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  11. Spettacolare! Certo, una mappa che vada da Suez al Golan , con F14, f15, Kfir, mig 21 e mig 29 sarebbe da paura!

    Sogno ad occhi aperti, ovviamente.

    ( anche con mi8 e uh1 che combattono sulla palestina, top)

    We planning to work on that kind of map. This will start the moment we sign with ED.


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