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Posts posted by juanar10

  1. I just found a similar, if not the same, issue.

    This happens consistently on a AI-only set of flights launching from the Stennis, with different startup times.

    There is a F-14 that tries to launch on CAT 1, but then, another one on the elevator nulltries to do the same and they get stuck.

    It seems there is a big problem with the logic behind who gets which cat and from where. Bear in mind there is no single client flight here, just AI.

    I uploaded two screenshots and a track file.

    This was referenced on the official Discord: https://discord.com/channels/542985647502393346/1110967206046597141



    I also checked changing launch times, so they don't match. And this still happens, but much more blatantly (check last picture). This is unacceptable.


    Digital Combat Simulator  Black Shark Screenshot 2023.05.24 -


    Digital Combat Simulator  Black Shark Screenshot 2023.05.24 -


  2. A bit more to add: when you remove the headset, DCS keeps running, I believe the problem happens when you put it on again: one of the CPU threads gets locked at 100% and eventually it crashes.

    This is what I got on the logs as soon as I placed the headset back on:

    2023-04-20 21:25:16.993 WARNING LOG (23900): 58360 duplicate message(s) skipped.
    2023-04-20 21:25:16.993 ERROR   VISUALIZER (Main): OpenXR xrWaitFrame failed with error: XR_ERROR_RUNTIME_FAILURE
    2023-04-20 21:25:16.995 INFO    DXGUI_WIN_ADAPTER (Main): resize main window to [3440, 1440]
    2023-04-20 21:25:17.005 ERROR   LuaHooks (Main): [string "I:\Xxxx\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\DCS-gRPC\grpc.lua"]:263: attempt to index global 'grpc' (a nil value)
    2023-04-20 21:25:17.005 INFO    VISUALIZER (Main): OpenXR: request restart
    2023-04-20 21:25:17.005 INFO    VISUALIZER (Main): OpenXR: request exit
    2023-04-20 21:25:17.005 INFO    EDCORE (Main): (dDispatcher)enterToState_:5
    2023-04-20 21:25:17.005 ERROR   LuaHooks (Main): [string "I:\Xxxx\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\DCS-gRPC\grpc.lua"]:263: attempt to index global 'grpc' (a nil value)
    2023-04-20 21:25:17.005 ERROR   VISUALIZER (Main): OpenXR xrWaitFrame failed with error: XR_ERROR_SESSION_LOST
    2023-04-20 21:25:17.006 ERROR   LuaHooks (Main): [string "I:\Xxxx\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\DCS-gRPC\grpc.lua"]:263: attempt to index global 'grpc' (a nil value)
    2023-04-20 21:25:17.006 ERROR   VISUALIZER (Main): OpenXR xrWaitFrame failed with error: XR_ERROR_SESSION_LOST
    2023-04-20 21:25:17.008 INFO    APP (Main): application shutdown
    2023-04-20 21:25:19.245 INFO    EDOBJECTS (Main): lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 0
    2023-04-20 21:25:19.248 INFO    EDOBJECTS (Main): lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 1
    2023-04-20 21:25:19.249 INFO    EDOBJECTS (Main): lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 2
    2023-04-20 21:25:19.393 INFO    EDOBJECTS (Main): lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 3
    2023-04-20 21:25:19.513 INFO    EDOBJECTS (Main): lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 4
    2023-04-20 21:25:19.530 INFO    EDOBJECTS (Main): lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 5
    2023-04-20 21:25:19.533 INFO    EDOBJECTS (Main): lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 6
    2023-04-20 21:25:19.537 INFO    EDOBJECTS (Main): lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 7
    2023-04-20 21:25:19.538 INFO    EDOBJECTS (Main): lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 8
    2023-04-20 21:25:19.541 INFO    EDOBJECTS (Main): lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 9
    2023-04-20 21:25:19.541 INFO    EDOBJECTS (Main): lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 10
    2023-04-20 21:25:19.542 INFO    EDOBJECTS (Main): lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 11
    2023-04-20 21:25:19.543 INFO    EDOBJECTS (Main): lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 12
    2023-04-20 21:25:19.543 INFO    EDOBJECTS (Main): lTypeObjectManagerImpl::clear 13
    2023-04-20 21:25:20.573 INFO    TERRAIN (Main): lSystem::exit()
    2023-04-20 21:25:20.578 INFO    TERRAIN (Main): lSystem::CleanScenes()
    2023-04-20 21:25:28.788 INFO    DXGUI_WIN_ADAPTER (Main): resize main window to [3440, 1440]
    2023-04-20 21:25:28.789 WARNING SCENE (8824): Scene was removed with 4 alive objects
    2023-04-20 21:25:28.790 WARNING SCENE (8824): Scene was removed with 1 alive lights
    2023-04-20 21:25:28.796 WARNING SCENE (8824): Scene was removed with 4 alive objects
    2023-04-20 21:25:29.248 INFO    DX11BACKEND (8824): DX11Renderer::shutdown()
    2023-04-20 21:25:30.502 INFO    EDCORE (Main): try to write dump information
    2023-04-20 21:25:30.505 INFO    EDCORE (Main): # -------------- 20230420-212531 --------------
    2023-04-20 21:25:30.505 INFO    EDCORE (Main): DCS/ (x86_64; MT; Windows NT 10.0.19044)
    2023-04-20 21:25:30.506 INFO    EDCORE (Main): I:\Games\steamapps\common\DCSWorld\bin-mt\DCS.exe
    2023-04-20 21:25:30.506 INFO    EDCORE (Main): # C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 00007ff6c3b559d1 00:00000000
    2023-04-20 21:25:30.507 INFO    EDCORE (Main): SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.', symOptions: 532, UserName: 'Xxxxs'
    2023-04-20 21:25:30.508 INFO    EDCORE (Main): OS-Version: 10.0.19044 () 0x300-0x1
    2023-04-20 21:25:30.510 INFO    EDCORE (Main): 0x00000000008959d1 (DCS): SW + 0x3FF2C1
    2023-04-20 21:25:30.510 INFO    EDCORE (Main): 0x000000000085457f (DCS): SW + 0x3BDE6F
    2023-04-20 21:25:30.511 INFO    EDCORE (Main): 0x0000000000107a27 (Visualizer): smSceneManager::DestroySceneManager + 0xD7
    2023-04-20 21:25:30.512 INFO    EDCORE (Main): 0x000000000086fb1e (DCS): SW + 0x3D940E
    2023-04-20 21:25:30.512 INFO    EDCORE (Main): 0x000000000236153a (DCS): AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance + 0xFBC536
    2023-04-20 21:25:30.512 INFO    EDCORE (Main): 0x0000000000c51a92 (DCS): SW + 0x7BB382
    2023-04-20 21:25:30.513 INFO    EDCORE (Main): 0x0000000000017604 (KERNEL32): BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x14
    2023-04-20 21:25:31.352 INFO    EDCORE (Main): Minidump created.
    2023-04-20 21:25:31.352 INFO    Lua::Config (Main): stack traceback:


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  3. I think it's best to think George as some sort of remote control rather than an AI. Asking George to do a full stop stationary hover at 1500 ft will certainly kill you. A good idea would be to avoid abrupt maneuvers, slow down slowly. Also, stationary hover at high altitude is something you probably shouldn't do as a pilot either.

  4. I recently transferred all my modules from Steam to Standalone without issues. I have a pre-purchase of the Tomcat on Steam though:

    1. Is it supposed not to be able to be transferred pre-release? I tried "syncing" without success,

    2. If not, is it possible I have an issue when "syncing" Steam to Standalone?

    3. If yes: is it ok to assume that when Steam makes the Tomcat available I'll be able to sync without issues?

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