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About HDMan

  • Birthday 05/12/1964
  1. I don't have those other options for the rudder. That is why I think the game still think it's attached to the throttle. Windows/elite dangerous also think it is simply mapped to JOY_Z. This is driving me crazy! Been working on this since 0200 : /
  2. I also mapped left and right thrust earlier with no effect. The right throttle had no impact on the rudder control, and the left did. Any idea how to for JOY_RX on the rudder? It doesn't show as an option when I map it. Thanks for the replay :)
  3. I have spent many hours trying to get the T-Rudder pedals to work with the warthog setup. I have cleared all my input configs. Cleared bindings and re-mapped them but still am unable to get the pedals to work in DCS. They map ok but won't work in game. When I move the throttle the rudder pedals move, pushing using the toe brakes causes x and y input from the stick. The T-60000 has the pedals connected to the throttle and I can't get it to un-map. I have even uninstalled/re-installed the game to no avail. The setup works great in other games (elite dangerous) but it utterly broken in DCS. Is there a registry entry to won't let it go? I am not using Target software and you can see in the screenshot that the ONLY mappings I have are for Rudder and throttle. Any ideas?
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