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Posts posted by pchRage

  1. Using a SP test mission, 40% fuel, guns only,  4k alt on Normandy, clear weather/default/midday.


    Using tacview to review Turn Rate, Radius, and CAS.   Tested 300mph, 275, 250, 225, 200 using 2850rpm and 61mf.  Tested with and without 1 notch of flaps.


    It "felt" like 275 without flaps was ideal STR... This also kept engine temps in check with occasional forced open oil.


    225-200 with a notch of flaps was maybe +1 deg, and the radius was maybe 400ft tighter..but harder to manage, handle buffet, and engine was staying hot...


    Basically im looking for ideal STR for prolonged fight hoping the pilot isnt managing his plane well, with eventual option of getting to the deck to then extend as I slowly lose to a K4 🙂



  2. Not sure what demo maneuver that is.. did a quick search, didnt come up with anything.


    I did compare two tacviews of a flight... mine and another persons, and sync'd their time to a particular evasive maneuver.   the 2 tacviews shows a ~2G difference and ~5deg AOA diff. 


    So I think this all boils down to tacview is (highly?) inconsistent for non-own-plane recorded metrics... that's pretty disheartening and to me, casts some concerns on the tool itself for detailed analysis vs generalization ...

  3. Thanks Crptalk,


    I understand that is true for +/- 0.2 G or so.. but didn't know it affected AOA...


    Even still... I've looked at many many many tacviews, and I consistently see my plane < 25AOA and others > 30.   are you saying that my local tacview is more accurate in the same flight for me vs others?   and by ~10degrees margin???  seems excessive 🙂


  4. I was under the impression that the FLCS limits to ~25 degrees AOA.  Only in stall/over-the-top/close-to-departure style maneuvers, have I gotten to ~29.  I've been reviewing a number of tacviews of myself and others in F-16 and I'm almost 99.999% of the time < 25deg, whether I'm between 200 to 500 CAS sub 10k alt. 


    Others (several) I've seen regularly sustain 30-34 degrees, and even 42+ in a snap.  The speeds are in the lower band, from 220-360 cas, and these are in all aspects; climb, over the top, descending, level turn, ortho roll, oblique turn, etc etc.


    I understand that AOA is not the f-16s gameplan and you dont want to be in the position in the first place.......but... when its down to a 1C/scissors, etc, especially vs another f-16, I can see that >25 degrees AOA delta as an advantage. 


    I've checked my joystick in windows/dcs, and its hitting the full range.  I do not use any curves, but do take 2% off the ends to ensure I can hit 100% deflection.


    Testing offline, trying various maneuvers, various speeds, (hah! even tried the manual-pitch-override)...no go!   Would be nice to understand the "how" and at least have the tool in the tool-bag. 


    Attached a few screenshots from a random individual flying a 1v1.. names redacted 🙂







  5. From the patch notes "....It is possible to lock on with two missiles prior to launching the first missile..."


    What are the steps?


    I tried pre mode with auto handoff. 8 miles from 1st target, handoff, wait for the "C", then msl step to station 7. move tpod to next target, handoff, wait for the "C". rifle.. only fires station 7.. station 3 is back to "S".


    Also tried after getting the correlate "C" on station 7, to msl step back to 3.. but it was back to "S", and toggle again to station 7 and also "S".



  6. Definitely get a 3080.


    I have a 7700K@5ghz, 32GB 3600 and just upgraded from 1080Ti to 3080. Exactly what you are considering. Do it, get a 3080. It made a huge difference in VR. CPU and GPU frametimes are now mostly the same. Obviously it changes in different situations, but they match well.


    My 7700K gets 520 single core in Cinebench R20. AMDs new CPUs will better that by about 20%, but it's not enough to justify an upgrade yet for me. I'll wait for 5nm and see how that goes.





    What did you adjust to get to 5GHz?

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