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Posts posted by connos

  1. I don't care to much about ground units, of course i want their behavior to be updated but i can stand it. What i can't stand is the wingman(you need his missiles to finish some missions) behavior that its not attacking from formation and he has to enter enemy lines and then attack.


    Of course you can do it with the datalink (not always works and it's time cosuming) but if you give command engage my target, to a target that i can see and engage why he has to rush towards the target and then engage?

  2. Dear All


    I notice that some of you are getting a bit upset about some of the reviews in "Pure Gaming" magazines and websites. You should not be, their market is the "Pick up and blast for 30 minutes and then go and have a beer" market. It is to be expected. I also enjoy these types of games!


    However. All these sites have an option to add your own reviews and comments.

    As of today there are 10,878 registered members on this forum.

    Yet hardly anyone has taken the opportunity to add their comments on these sites, either on the Gaming sites, or those, such as IGN who have taken a more positive and thoughtful attitude.


    So I think if you want to make your feelings known, it might be an idea to make your comments/reviews known on these sites.


    Good point JimMack and i already done that but because i know that bad reviews less buyers less money and no more games like this. ED needs our support.

  3. I used to buy their magazine but not anymore after this review. Their stating in their magazine that they are hardcore PC gamers and against consolazation but i doubt it. BS is the only true PC game along with STALKER in my opinion that is complex frustrating and deep. As PC games used to be. Go ED bring us A-10......

  4. evasive manouvers my friend ! guns guns guns jink flare flare jink flare flare jink flare flare .... sort of like this i guess should work. and i yes before i forget sticking to the 300/300 rule.


    will indeed be very interesting to see how it works


    That is how its done in real life. I was looking in youtube some videos today. Awesome stuff.

  5. - Soldiers can enter houses, buildings, dug-in positions and bunkers and shoot from there


    - friendly FAC can designate those targets to the player conducting CAS




    Second that. To receive datalink targets from FAC or ground forces if possible, is it possible in RL??

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