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Posts posted by _Digby_

  1. On 12/23/2020 at 12:34 PM, Tonker said:


    Of course Wags isn't saying that a Tornado is on the way but nor is he saying that it's impossible, which seems to be the assumption here. Who would have thought that a Eurofighter would ever be cleared for a "study-level" sim? Who knows what concessions have had to be made to fidelity, but the point for Eurofighter fans is that there's one on the way. Is it so outlandish to hope that Tornado fans (there's a lot of us, and we're noisy 🙂 ) may one day get the same? 


    Congrats to Heatblur for grabbing the top two spots on the recent Grim Reapers top DCS modules list/video. The reason? The Viggen and Tomcat are the modules that keep their pilots most entertained - technically excellent, but then filled with character and charm which leads to sim pilots feeling the same way as real pilots do about their steeds. They become emotionally invested. Unmatched by any other dev, and Heatblur have done it twice.


    That's why we're all here. Who else could do the Tornado justice?


    ...and they've nailed swing-wing.


    And ground radar...


    ...and multi-crew...


    ...and reverse thrust...


    ...and and and... 🙂


    Happy Christmas y'all!




    Hear, hear! 😉

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  2. On 12/4/2020 at 8:25 PM, JG-1_Vogel said:

    Good news! I managed to solve the issue. I deleted all trace of Thrustmaster stuff on my system and started a fresh install. It's working fine now, so must've been a software issue. Thank goodness!


    So I've been flying the Hornet all day and having a good time :).


    What steps did you take to completely wipe any traces of the throttle from your system? Fresh install?

  3. On 12/14/2020 at 4:47 PM, HansPeter1981 said:


    Well yes I thought also initially about the 32" to be my preference, Sharper Monitor and since I did to Benchmarks on a 4K TV and a custom resolution of 3840x 1600 the FPS where within 5-10 FPS with 2xMSAA on the 6800XT.

    But since the Vertical real-estate compared those two monitors (39.5 Tall on the 38"Ultrawide and 42.5 on the 32" 4K) is not really that different, going for the ultra wide you give up some sharpness but gain a lot of Horizontal extra space. Since this will be a one Monitor Setup, my thoughts are also about being able to display PDFs with Checklists and Approach Plates so If I go Picture in Picture with the Ultrawide I could for example go 2:1 (3200x1600) and have 640x1600 for the PDF Viewer and other stuff on the side. 

    About the 6800XT I will post some Benchmarks I did down the road. For example I can (Single Player) run Everything Ultra/High/Extreme with MSAA and SSAA 1.5 and never drop 60fps 1440p on the 6800XT where as with the 1080TI I have to turn off 1.5 SSAA to achieve the same.

    I have to say I only got a Ryzen 2700 overclocked to 3900Mhz restricted to 8 cores & 8 threats. So powered with a better Processor the 6800 would do a lot better I can imagine. But in terms of driver issues It's plug an play. When I tried the 6800XT vs 1080TI where it made the biggest difference was 4k with MSAA. 
    And when testing other Games like Divison 2 1440p Ultra I went from 85 fps to 147 with the 6800XT and Afterburner is reporting only 250 Watts so pretty sweet.
    I had to learn that the stock Fan curve is tweaked for silence not for cooling  so max is 29% or 50% in Rage mode.... I got into the 80s temp wise. but once opening up the fan curve to 100% she would not exceed 67 C with the fan sitting arround 70-80% 


    Pretty negligible difference then; the added FOV being better than the added clarity of 4K. Also, 4K 144 Hz G-Sync / FreeSync2 will cost an arm and a leg but is relatively affordable at 1440p UW. 


    Benchmarks would be cool to see! The 6800 XT looks like the way forwards then; good to hear they sorted the drivers compared to the 5700 XT! 


    8 hours ago, Cibit said:

    I just got a 34Inch wide screen. Absolutely love it. I even dug out my track IR because DCS looks great in UHD 21:9 Enjoy your choice 🙂


    Mine is the IIyama Red Eagle GB3466 in case your interested. Its 144Hz 3440 x 1440



    Ah yes, I was looking at that one too! Looks to be very good value with all the features. How readable are MFDs / spotting? Does FreeSync2 work well? 

  4. Thanks Der but I'll probably have one of them by then. Right now I'm just waiting for Black Friday to see if nVidia might add a game to the purchase of of the 2070 XT.


    Maybe later we can exchange screen shots and compare. It might help the next person who's looking to upgrade.

    Same boat as you RackMonkey, probably going to get the Sapphire Nitro 5700XT to replace an ageing 970.

  5. Will there be native support for voice attack or another program similar to it? I am very much looking forward to the increased realism provided with CATC, but dread the idea of trying to hit F1 to "call the ball" when I'm already task saturated enough working the groove.

  6. Hello fellow Hornet drivers,


    Like many of you, I have recently been dropping lots of JDAMs onto unsuspecting targets using my shiny new Litening pod. However, the asymmetry created when dropping these payloads has prompted me to retrim the aircraft (using the aileron trim function). This works perfectly well and once I have expended all of my bombs, I then manually retrim again for straight and level flight. However, this process has prompted a few of questions with regards to how the Hornet's FCS responds to manual input/requests:


    1. Should I have to keep retrimming the aircraft's roll axis (to account for changes in airspeed), if I have trimmed manually in the past to account for a particular loadout/cg? For example, when I'm just messing around or practicing traps (with a symmetrical config), I never normally need to account for any kind of rolling moment. So once I have dropped my ordnance (returning to a symmetrical loadout) why do I need to continue retrimming? From my point of view, it is as if the FCS needs to be "reset", as to automatically resume trimming my ailerons for me.


    2. If my above assumption is true, is there a way to give roll trim authority back to the FCS?


    3. Is there a way to better monitor the amount of roll trim induced? I.e. the FCS page shows little to no aileron movement despite considerable roll trim input on the stick.


    If I am misunderstanding how roll trim works in the Hornet, please correct me. I suspect that my lack of experience with asymmetric loadouts, has led me to believe that the FCS is trimming the ailerons for me (as to cancel any sort of rolling movement) when in fact it is simply the effect of a well balanced aircraft loadout.



  7. I feel your pain man, I'm limping along with my 970 as well. I'm really conflicted on RTX vs. Radeon VII or even waiting until the new Ryzen and Navi release.


    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk


    Yeah same dude! If the 2080 had shipped with 12GB of VRam then I would have been all for it. The thing is though, I've had my fingers burnt pretty badly with the jump in VRam between Maxwell and Pascal in the past, and am a little hesitant to opt for just 8GB - especially given DCS Multiplayer. :lol:


    Does anyone who currently owns a Radeon VII play Squad or Post Scriptum - and if so - what's the performance like? I've seen the Radeon VII get a lot of bad rep with X-Plane 11 and OpenGL in general, but it's hardly surprising when the people who are testing it assume that 16GB of VRam means that you can crank everything up to the max. Most notably here with reflections:




    Laminar has stated there does not exist a consumer computer that is powerful enough to get high fps in all situations with all settings at max. Seems little unfair on AMD.


    Will wait for a bit more information to surface but it's between the Radeon VII and a 2080 for me.

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