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  1. Theodore42's post in Handles like an airliner was marked as the answer   
    speed? cuz if you're going 200 maybe it is like that but at 300 or 400 kts... I'm looking at a recording I did with the current flight model and after deflecting my stick it looks like I'm at 90 degrees after 20 frames at 60 fps. So it took 1/3 of a second to get to 90 degrees after full deflection.
    It shouldn't matter what the curve is because full deflection is full deflection. If there is too much travel in your joystick you can reduce the horizontal saturation in the axis settings. I used to turn saturation down to 80 for this very reason (my joystick has a lot of travel) but I got used to my new joystick and put it back.
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