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Flanking Moustache

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Posts posted by Flanking Moustache

  1. You get multiple versions of the same aircraft. Currently there's a late A variant as well as the B variant. I believe Heatblur is working on an earlier A variant as well as the specific A model that's operated by Iran. All these are included in the price.


    Q: What version of the -B will be simulated?
    A: The -B that we simulate spans an entire era, from the late 80s/ early 90s to late 90s/ early 2000s. As most Tomcats were "patchwork aircraft", exhibiting features found throughout all its iterations, we decided to recreate the B to what was most commonly found across all of them in that time period.


    Q: What versions of the -A will be simulated?
    A: Similar as with the -B, each version of the -A spans a certain time period, but to discern them easier, we divide them into the 135GR late version (same time period as the -B), which has more or less feature parity with the -B, except for engines, engine instrument panels and some minor differences; the 135GR early version (late 70s to early/mid 90s), which also features an older version of the RWR (the ALR-45) and the ECM page on the HSD; and the bonus 95GR IRIAF version, which is similar to the 135GR early (late 70s/ early 80s), with the difference of having no TCS, no ICLS/ACLS, no datalink, no Lantirn pod, only older weapons (no aim-9m, no aim-7M(/H), no aim-7F, no aim54A mk.60 and aim54C) and only dumb air to ground munitions. Each version will include skins for their dedicated period/country. All -A versions feature the TF-30 Engines.

    -from the the F-14A/B FAQ.


  2. This is pure speculation from my side, but I believe it has to do with the seeker head its ability to look around and lock the target before it's launched...

    When mounted under wing pylons the seeker has a nice wide and obstruction free field of vision. This isn't the case under the fuselage, especially between the engines nacelles. Radar guided missiles have no problems with these obstructions as they receive commands from the aircraft from which it's launched and don't need to see the target prior to launch, unlike heat seeking missiles such as the 27ET. I believe that's why ETs are only mounted underneath the wings.


    But again, this is purely my speculation 😛

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  3. Hey, and welcome!


    Modern jets are quite complex and intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of them they become quite intuitive. They're meant to be used by humans in stressful combat situations after all! :thumbup:


    Personally, when in doubt, I'd recommend you to start with a slightly older and less advanced jet. The leap from WW2 to modern becomes more managable that way.

    The L-39 is a very safe bet and has limited air to air and air to ground capabilities. It might become boring quite quickly though, so perhaps the F-5 is something to consider! Weapons wise it's only slightly more capable but it has a radar and afterburners and it's been in service all around the world!

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