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Posts posted by Ironious

  1. 4 hours ago, Gunfreak said:

    F104 also had the Vulcan. Same with F105.

    So F4E was far from the first with the Vulcan.

    You'll definitely feel the effectiveness of the F4E gun vs F5 or the A4 mod(just two 20mm guns (a slightly upgraded version of ww2 Hispanos) trying to hit a fighter going 600+knots with just 2000 rounds a minute is very hard. (F5 at least has 3000RPMs) I'll be very hard pressed to hit smaller fighters like F5 or MiG21 with the A4 guns. Easier to hit giant tennis court sized planes like F14 or F15.(and you only have 100 rounds a gun)

    C and D models carried M61 pods on their wings/centerline also.

  2. Connected how? If via USB then any disk access from loading the game to loading terrain throughout will be relatively slow. Esata would be faster than USB but still slower than an internally connected drive.

  3. I find them to be more reliable when I uncage (press and hold) pull enough lead to allow me to relax the stick back pressure before firing while still having some lead. My first shot appears to have been spoofed by the Migs flares. I don't hear well and usually cannot hear the growl or tone.



  4. Odd problem started a few days ago. Found that TrackIR starts normally from the icon on the task bar once. After closing, it immediately crashes every time I try to restart it until I reboot. However, if I right click the same icon and choose TrackIR from the pop up menu it works properly every time. This is the only app on my taskbar that behaves like this. I am running Windows 11 with the developer insider updates. Did a system restore to before the last update and many other system checks.

  5. Sitting in the pilot seat and the view suddenly zooms and becomes fixed, as if Track IR had stopped working. However, I stich to outside view and Track IR resumes working normally. Back to inside view and it's still frozen. Outside again, okay, back inside still frozen. Repeated this several times. Exit DCS World and back in and all is normal again, Happened twice recently in the AH-64D. Has never happened before in any other module or game. 

    Sorry, no track. Happens again I'll record and supply logs.

  6. If you can't hover well you aren't going to be able to quickly acquire and maintain a battle position well enough to store some targets, move to shoot, and get back to cover. Brother flew the A model in the Army and that is what he has me working on. I'm not good at it yet. We set up some T90s a few miles north of Nellis and I attempted to get a bp in range behind some hills for cover. It wasn't pretty.

    Oh yeah, everyone calls the wires. 😉

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  7. There's plenty available in the current release to keep you busy learning for a while. For starters you should be able to hover in one spot well and be able to "slide" the aircraft in all directions while maintaining a desired heading. These are not easy. 

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  8. 2 hours ago, rayrayblues said:


    Whatever your physical memory is, double it with your page file.

    I have 32Gb DDR 3 with 32 on the OS drive and 32 on my game drive. Very rare to crash, even on Syria.

    If your low on space, you need a bigger drive.


    If you don't want to use pagefile, then you are doomed. Enjoy the crashes.

    I've been running everything including DCS on multiple machines for several years without a pagefile. Zero issues until the AH-64D on the Syria map. YMMV. 

    If my machine is running out RAM I want to know it. I don't want to suffer the decreased performance pagefile use will cause.

  9. 10 hours ago, Nealius said:

    Should pagefile size be set on the OS drive or the drive that DCS is on? I've had the same # C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION crashes since the Open Beta update, but they have happened on different maps and modules (including the Apache). I've done a slow repair but haven't flown enough to test reliability. I'll post my Apache crash log (not Syria; Caucasus) just in case.

    04APRcrash.log 100.68 kB · 0 downloads

    Opinions vary but I think most believe it best for the pagefile to be on the OS partition. With 32GB on different systems I've run without a pagefile for years until recently. Now I'm considering adding another 32GB and killing the pagefile again. 

  10. I don't want to increase my page file size. I'll just run with fewer clouds in Syria until I upgrade my memory. 

    I've read (can't confirm) that if your page file size is too large Windows will use that even when there is free RAM available. I don't want that even though I have a gen 4 NVMe SSD. 

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