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  1. Minsky's post in setting TACAN and course line for F/A18C in the mission editor was marked as the answer   
    For this you must simulate cockpit interactions click by click using the "X: Cockpit Perform Clickable Action" trigger.
    Trigger-1: Press "TCN",
    Trigger-2: Press "6",
    Trigger-3: Press "7"...
    ...and so on and so forth.
    Open Bankler's CASE 1 Recovery Trainer and see how he organized these triggers, then try to replicate some of them in your mission.
    This post should help with understanding the logic behind the Cockpit Device, Command and Value attributes, and where to find their values.
    It is not particularly difficult, just time-consuming and may require a bit of trial and error.
  2. Minsky's post in Khost : missing airplane runway was marked as the answer   
    Hi, thanks for your response!
    I am aware that both airfields have unpaved runways.
    In DCS, however, it looks like a bug because the blurry satellite photo that goes as a "runway" doesn't match the rest of the aerodrome neither in pattern or in quality. And the taxiways are abruptly cut without any transition.
    Maybe try making runway more pronounced by adding a semi-transparent detail overlay? And/or make aprons and taxiways semi-transparent, so their underlying photo background could better blend with the runway.
  3. Minsky's post in What is "theor. FPS"? was marked as the answer   
    That's the theoretical FPS your CPU could produce hadn't it been bottlenecked by the GPU.
    Or vice versa when CPU bound.
  4. Minsky's post in Loading a static template corrupts file causing the .miz file to be 0 bytes was marked as the answer   
    It could happen if a template requires a mod you don't have (or a different version of that mod).
    Open the template file (.STM) in any text editor and search for the "requiredModules" string.
  5. Minsky's post in Does Autoland still work? was marked as the answer   
    My guess is that you wasn't fully configured.
    I took control at around 5.5nm, extended flaps from half to full and then coupled the ACL without any issues.
    FYI: While it's possible to couple as soon as the tadpole appears at 6nm, I would recommend taking your time to double-check everything, completing the landing checklist and engaging ACL at about 4nm.

  6. Minsky's post in Any Airfields Long Enough for an F18-C Hornet? was marked as the answer   
    Shameless plug, but this could've saved you some time:
  7. Minsky's post in Cannot put some ship types in harbours (description.lua depth problem?) Not sure if map or ship lua file is the issue. was marked as the answer   
    3rd parties could've set the ship's dimensions smaller than the actual model. Just to avoid this particular problem.
  8. Minsky's post in steps in Airfields Mesh was marked as the answer   
    EDIT: Fixed in DCS - 22.02.2024
    Already reported back in June, but Ugra has been too busy cannibalizing The Channel to actually fix this:
  9. Minsky's post in Apache will not respond to controls was marked as the answer   
    Disable active pause.
    Or press the spacebar as it telling you:

  10. Minsky's post in Undesignate/Missile Reject Switch was marked as the answer   
    It's the boat switch.
  11. Minsky's post in C-101CC CTD's was marked as the answer   
    Just tested it in a couple of built-in missions (latest patch + MT), works fine on my end. Seems like you have quite a lot of mods, maybe try removing them and see if it helps?
  12. Minsky's post in Excessive static/background noise in received radio tranmissions was marked as the answer   
    Once you have APU ON or engines started, flip these switches forward with the right mouse button (in either cockpit). These are momentary switches, and they will return to center once released--this is normal.
  13. Minsky's post in Cannot contact tanker since ARC-210 was marked as the answer   
    MPRS cannot use boom. Call for a regular KC-135.
  14. Minsky's post in F18 comms preset frequencies change in-flight was marked as the answer   
    Erm... When you select a preset with a rotary knob, then punch in another frequency and press ENT, this frequency will be saved into the selected preset. Rinse and repeat.
    P.S. A handy list of all your presets is available under SUPT > UFC BU.
  15. Minsky's post in ACLS - All I get is CPL HDG was marked as the answer   
    This is the most likely cause of this issue. I haven't watched the track replay, so it could be something else.
    I'd suggest practicing this offline with the simplest mission possible: only you and the ship.
    The ACLS is not that complicated once you understand its cues and the order they appear on the Link 4 page during the approach.

    1. Configure and enable ACLS before the "Inbound" call. Confirm the "ACL 1" status on the Link 4 page. If it's not there, then something (the boat and/or the on-board ACLS) is misconfigured.
    2. Once reported "Established", confirm the "T/C" cue.
    3. When the ATC says: "Final radar contact, 8 miles", confirm the "LND CHK" cue.
    4. At 6 nm the ACL tadpole should appear on the HUD. Check the "ACL RDY" cue, and make sure the "T/C" cue is replaced with "MODE 1". Else you most certainly won't get the CPLD P/R option.
    5. At 4 nm ATC says: "Approaching glidepath". Decouple the autopilot if it was coupled (use the paddle switch), then press UFC > A/P > CPL to couple ACL. This can be done as soon as the tadpole appears on the HUD. "ACLD RDY" cue is then replaced with "CMD CNT", and the "CPLD P/R" cue appears on the HUD.
  16. Minsky's post in Where are the keybinds for "Video Recording" switches (on the IFEI panel)? was marked as the answer   
    Maybe they can track switches' position via scripts, or just added this for the immersion (the VTRS is actively used in real life). But in our Hornet this panel is not actually tied to any system, and control nothing.
    EDIT: Check this reply.
  17. Minsky's post in Case III procedure in case of a bolster was marked as the answer   
    As said above, bolters & waveoffs aren't implemented yet (and neither does the ACLS reacquisition).
    If you don't have human ATC directing you, you can simulate the "loss of comms" procedure from the NATOPS which is roughly described in the "supercarrier AI" boxes below:

  18. Minsky's post in Legacy Hornet Squadrons and Supecarrier was marked as the answer   
    You can start here:
  19. Minsky's post in Cannot enter coordinates (lat/long) for AGM-154A in PP mode was marked as the answer   
    No issue here:

  20. Minsky's post in Supercarrier number lights. was marked as the answer   
    AFAIK this argument is not tied to anything in DCS (yet?)
    Can be forced via liveries tho:
  21. Minsky's post in SAMs on the SA page was marked as the answer   
    The RWR can only provide azimuth, not the distance.
    Think of it as intelligence data. It displays "known locations" of most SAMs whenever neither of these boxes is checked:

  22. Minsky's post in ACLS, case III : mode 1 switch to mode 2 was marked as the answer   
    Switches where?
    Don't think our Hornet is even capable of showing anything but "MODE 1" on the ACL page.
    And the ATC always says "fly MODE 2", just ignore it.
  23. Minsky's post in What is BCN ? was marked as the answer   
    Radar beacon* is a part of the ACLS, and from my (quite limited) understanding it turns on and works automatically during ACL. Even if the current DCS implementation of that button is not a placeholder, we aren't supposed to fiddle with it that much during normal ops.
    *This is a newer version of the unit installed on our legacy Hornet, but it should give you a general idea of what it does.
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