Good Day DCS World Developers,
I wanted to say thank you for all the hard work on developing DCS world into a very immersive experience.
I have an idea and wish list Item that I wanted to ask for the DCS World Community.
Since the creation of 5th Generation Community based Aircrafts are science fiction in DCS world due to Classified materials, I wanted to know if it would be possible that we as players can get more advanced 4th generation aircraft in addition to the F-18C and F-16C Block 50 as DLC upgrade Modules.
For instance, users who own the F-18C Module or F-16C Module can purchase additional Blocks of each airframe as DLC addons, which come along with the detailed cockpit, avionics, weapons, and features of their respective airframes.
It would be nice to see for future F-18 DLC development, the F-18E/F Block III and for the F-16 multiple DLC addon blocks to include block 52, also the block 70 for both the F-16 V Super Viper, F-16 IN Viper, and F-21 Super Viper with all advanced cockpits, radar funtions known to spec based off of known wiki sources, complete operational avionics suite, All availble ALQ ECM Jamming POD and ALE Counter Measures suites, along with current deployable weapons loadouts and other features these airframse have to offer.
Please take this Wish List topic serious DCS Team and make our virtual dreams come true. We really appreaciate you for all your time, hardwork, development, hours of coding, and effort going into such a great authentic digital combat flight simulator.
Highest Regards.
Virtual Viper and Hornet Driver Ghost