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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World, IL-2: 1946, IL-2: Great Battles, Elite: Dangerous

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  1. I think I'm having the same issue. I noticed the GPU cart also clips into the ground in sync with the wheels.
  2. Open Beta 2.9. Landing gear appears to jitter, see attached video. When GPU cart is attached, it jitters in sync with the wheels. I have not observed this on any other official module, whether from ED or 3rd Party. The same bug can be observed on the unofficial OV-10 Bronco by Split Air. 2023-10-25 01-09-00.mp4
  3. This bridge on the North side of L'île Saint-Germain located at N48°49'27" E2°14'55" appears to be submerged in the water. On the North end, the bridge clips through the terrain. On both ends, the terrain has an odd looking trench. The smaller bridge on the south side of the island also has those trenches. Additionally, the bridge seen in game is a truss bridge, but Wikipedia has a historic photograph which does not include the steel superstructure. I may be mistaken about this - I'm not sure if this photo is the longer or shorter bridge.
  4. I've noticed that since OB 2.5.6, the F3 Flyby view in the Tomcat has an audio issue where just before the plane passes the camera, the engine sound silences and quickly fades back in. Of all the modules I have tested (JF-17, F-18, F-14, Ka-50, Huey, P-51, and all FC3 aircraft), only the F-14 has this issue. I've linked a video showing the issue and attached the associated Track file and Tacview ACMI file. In the video, the issue is most clearly audible in the 3rd and 4th flybys. Link to the example video: https://streamable.com/hxuv2 I can't attach the video directly here due to its size, but I will keep it on hand in case anyone needs the original file. Cheers. o7 f14 sound bug.zip
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