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About Jacobb141

  • Birthday August 19

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, IL 2 Great Battles
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  1. I recieve the "DCS has crashed" pop up, if that's what you're referring to. It's one of the mission objectives that spawns on the bridge as part of the broader campaign, as opposed to a regular in game unit.
  2. Each time I open up Normandy (mission, instant action or click fly in Editor) it crashes to desktop after being stuck on "loadTerrain". Crash reports attached, tried with both TacView and SRS installed and uninstalled. Every other map works fine. dcs.log-20241013-002501.zip dcs.log-20241013-005215.zip dcs.log-20241013-005412.zip dcs.log-20241013-012126.zip dcs.log-20241013-011352.zip dcs.log-20241013-011840.zip dcs.log-20241013-034832.zip
  3. Agreed, the lights are basically invisible, making getting lined up in the last mile near impossible on an overcast night.
  4. Played the same mission twice, when I attempt to strike the armoured vehicles (BTR80) with GBU12 on the bridge, the game crashes the second the GBU12 impacts a target. Has occurred twice now. Crash files attached. dcs.log-20241011-074236.zip dcs.log-20241011-231604.zip
  5. Every time I attempt to generate an image using HRM on the A2G Radar, the game crashes to desktop. Drivers are updated, running MT build. Specs: Ryzen 5 3600, RTX 2080, 64gb RAM on an SSD (not M.2).
  6. After watching Red land at Haifa, I turn to conduct AAR with 701. After giving the command for 701 to turn back towards mother, if I zoom in at any time the game freezes. I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with my PC, as the game never freezes during regular use and I have relatively high specs. I am able to recreate the crash each time, however if I decide not to AAR on return to mother and proceed directly, everything works perfectly. Has anyone else experienced this?
  7. Figured it out. I tried the above fixes and they didnt work either. What you need to do is: 1. Copy the liveries folder from the Raven One Dominant Fury Campaign folder as shown above. 2. Paste the liveries folder into C:\Users\*your username*\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Liveries (or C:\Users\*your username*\Saved Games\DCS if you don't have a liveries folder in there already). 3. All of the liveries (except the F18 Hornet liveries) should work fine now. 4. Open the FA-18C Folder, inside of it, you should see a folder named Raven One Dominant Fury. 5. Copy all of the Liveries inside C:\Users\*your username*\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Liveries\FA-18C_hornet\Raven One Dominant Fury 6. Paste all of the copied files directly into C:\Users\*your username*\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Liveries\FA-18C_hornet. I figured this out because none of the other aircraft folders under "Liveries" have a sub folder like the FA-18C_hornet folder does with the Raven on Dominant Fury folder. This is blocking the liveries being used by the game, and they need to sit directly in the FA-18C_hornet folder, not in a sub-folder.
  8. I've played Mission 6 (the TOT strike on the IL-78 at Beruit Airport) three times now, and each time following bomb release and coming off target, I get zero communications via radios on Pri Channel 1 (Strike Com.)/Aux Channel 1 (Tactical). I have tried staying with Pistol 13 the entire way, as well as flying directly to WP4 (Get Well) after weapons release, but no matter what I do, I do not get any communications via radio after Musket 22 acknowledges not to engage Power Drill prior to hitting WP 2 (Rock). Am I doing something wrong here? Easy communication is off. I can still land on the carrier and I will be told mission accomplished, however I cannot help but think that I am missing something in between coming off target and landing.
  9. I reinstalled fully and did the pagefile size change to 16384 mb. I jumped straight into a multplayer game, loaded up the F14, and flew around for a bit. Server was largely empty, and RAM usage was like 15.5gb out of 16gb, with 10gb being used by DCS. I have the crash report, however the folder is too big to upload.
  10. Would increasing my RAM from 16gb to 32gb potentially fix this issue?
  11. dcs.log-20210711-014721.zipdcs.log-20210912-090947.zipdcs.log-20210912-070547.zipdcs.log-20210912-070505.zipdcs.log-20210911-080601.zipdcs.log-20210908-125513.zip Attached are all but 2 of the folders from today, as they were over 5 mb. DCS crashed a few times and took the whole computer down with it, meaning I didn't get the option to send or do any crash report so some of the crash reports might not be there. dcs.20210912-080653.dmpdcs.20210912-080653.crashdcs.20210912-073237.dmpdcs.20210912-073237.crashdcs.20210912-073236.dmpdcs.20210912-073236.crashdcs.20210912-064739.crashdcs.20210912-064738.dmpdcs.20210912-064738.crashdcs.20210910-125103.crashdcs.20210910-114728.dmpdcs.20210910-114728.crashdcs.20210910-114727.crashdcs.20210910-125103.dmp Here are some more from the last few days as well.
  12. Singleplayer - DCS will randomly crash immediately after loading into a mission, generally after the breifing screen. Happens regularly but not all the time, and only when I am flying the HB F14 Multiplayer - DCS will randomly crash almost every multiplayer game I play. When playing with a friend, he will get disconnected from the server, saying that the server crashed, and I will automatically crash to desktop. Furthermore, whenever I attempt to spawn into an F14, onto the supercarrier, or even 3rd person view an F14 (like when i press F2 a bunch of times) the game will immediately crash. I am running the latest OpenBeta, have all drivers up to date, run no mods, and no memory issues (as far as Windows Memory Diagnostic is concerned). Multiplayer is basically unplayable because I am never in a server for long enough, and the F14 is incredibly tempermental and unstable, even in singleplayer. How do I fix this? System specs: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 16gb Corsair Vengeance 3200mhz DDR4 (upgrading to 32gb in the next week or so) RTX 2080 DCS installed on SSD.
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