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  1. YSIAD_RIP's post in Problem when customizing the Mirage F1 Views on Server.Lua was marked as the answer   
    Hi @Rudel_chw, 
    I stumbled on your post while checking in on the Mirage F1 updates and hopefully, the eventual fix of that Left Mirror freezing when using TrackIR/OpenTrack to look to the left. 
    I realized that I had not added the Mirage-F1EE to my custom Server.lua in the SavedGames\Config\View Folder.  🧐 
    Assumption 1: I have been using an updated version of the Reworked Cockpit Views files found in these DCS Forums as I believe you are as well.
    Assumption 2: You have probably fixed your issue already but just in case here is my example in hopes that it helps others in the future. 
    Assumption 3: Maybe there is an unseen typo or formatting issue that the newer Mirage F1CC did not like from your original edits?
    -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Start of Additions and changes made by JJF Additions -------------------- -- Looks like chaning gEyePoint and settings below the first line 6 entry -- -- does successfully affect the modules listed below this entry! ----------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Global view configuration -- Update for DCS 1.5.3 local gEyePoint = {-0.00, 0.10, 0.00} -- Front/back, up/down, lef/right {0.08, 0.10, 0.00} {0.16, 0.1} -- jjf So FAR:{-0.05, 0.10, 0.00}OK but HUD big.:{-0.10, 0.12, 0.00} OK for Warbirds! :Default{-0.08, 0.10, 0.00} local gCameraViewAngleLimits = {55.000000,95.000000} -- my value was {20.000000, 90.000000} and {55.000000, 95.000000} - Field of view, zoom min and max. consider setting it so that min + (max-min)/2 = default viewAngle (index 13) from snap views. This will result in the default zoom being located in the midle position of the zoom slider, for instance on the TM W . Note that Mi-8 is an exception from this rule as it uses a "Max FOV adjustment" from "Special" to override the max value. Setting max value to default FOV - viewAngle from SnapViews will remove the zoom-out effect at cokpit enter. local gCameraAngleLimits = {200.000000, -90.000000, 90.000000} -- Maximum head movement angles: left/right, down, up. Not applicable for Mi-8 local gShoulderSize = 0.25 -- 0.25 Shift head left/right when view angle is more than 90 degrees -- jjf so FAR: 0.20 is excellent and 0.15 is OK too! function default_fighter_player(t) local res = { CameraViewAngleLimits = gCameraViewAngleLimits, CameraAngleRestriction = {false, 90.0, 0.5}, EyePoint = gEyePoint, Allow360rotation = false, CameraAngleLimits = gCameraAngleLimits, ShoulderSize = gShoulderSize, } if t then for i,o in pairs(t) do res[i] = o end end return res end ViewSettings["Mirage-F1CE"] = { -- by JJF Testing Settings Cockpit = { [1] = default_fighter_player({CockpitLocalPoint = {3.225, 0.368, 0.0}, --CameraAngleLimits = {200.0, -90.0, 90.0}, limits_6DOF = {x = {-0.150000,0.250000}, y = {-0.300000,0.100000}, z = {-0.220000,0.220000}, roll = 90.000000}}), }, -- Cockpit Chase = { LocalPoint = {-5.0,1.0,3.0}, AnglesDefault = {180.000000,-8.000000}, }, -- Chase Arcade = { LocalPoint = {-21.500000,5.618000,0.000000}, AnglesDefault = {0.000000,-12.000000}, }, -- Arcade } ViewSettings["Mirage-F1EE"] = { -- by JJF Testing Settings Cockpit = { [1] = default_fighter_player({CockpitLocalPoint = {3.225, 0.368, 0.0}, --CameraAngleLimits = {200.0, -90.0, 90.0}, limits_6DOF = {x = {-0.150000,0.250000}, y = {-0.300000,0.100000}, z = {-0.220000,0.220000}, roll = 90.000000}}), }, -- Cockpit Chase = { LocalPoint = {-5.0,1.0,3.0}, AnglesDefault = {180.000000,-8.000000}, }, -- Chase Arcade = { LocalPoint = {-21.500000,5.618000,0.000000}, AnglesDefault = {0.000000,-12.000000}, }, -- Arcade }  
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