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Posts posted by mmoccio

  1. Like the title says, I am unable to close the F12 menu during track replays. This is a problem when using the new F2 cinematic view. In or to rotate the camera you need access to the mouse, but when the F12 menu is open it does not rotate because it is locked to the menu. In my example I was try to take screenshots after AAR in the F15. While refueling I left the menu open so when I went to replay the track, it was open in the replay and I could not control camera rotation, making getting a good shot impossible in the new cinematic view. I can close the menu once choosing take control, but obviously ruins the track. Having the ability to close this menu after the fact would be helpful. 

  2. 36 minutes ago, razo+r said:

    Have you installed any mods? And have you also tried running a repair?

    I haven't run a repair yet, but no mods are installed. Also hear in helmet is not checked. I asked around the 4YA discord and others are confirming the same thing as me Was told that it happened a few updates back. 

  3. I am not sure if this is an issue or not but I recently started flying the P51 again after owning it for some time and dont remember noticing this in the past. My gun sounds in the cockpit are almost non existent. When I move to the P47, they are nice and loud, how I imagine it would be. From an external view the guns are very loud but from inside the cockpit I can barely hear them firing. I am wondering if this is an issue, something wrong with my setup or something done for realism possibly? 

  4. Is anyone aware of when ED would be aiming to implement to new SC updates mentioned in the 10/15 news post? I looked through the thread and I do not see any updated info on it. The news points to an April 2021 newsletter stating updates were slotted Q3 2021. Just wondering if there is any news on this.


  5. 35 minutes ago, Im_TheSaint said:

    F18 in sim has two engines, you need two various engine control axis. 

    first - check your settings, F18 has a game and SIM settings page

    in the correct page, check your thrust, left thrust, right thrust settings, are they correct? are they set as sliders? do they perform and show imput?

    if Yes,

    Then jump into a game and open your controlls hud by pressing RCtrl + Enter. There you will see two sliders, one for each throttle, are these responsive to your controller imputs?

    if Yes,

    look inside cockpit, are both throttle levers moving respectively to imput?

    if Yes,

    are your engine ratings changing? temperature, RPM, nozzle shape.

    if Yes, 

    do you use an afterburner detent and is it mapped properly to both throttles both in settings and on the acatuall controller aaxis?

    if yes, 

    does your afternburner work?

    if Yes,

    ur aan F18, ur still slow 😉


    Thats how you troubleshoot your engine controlls

    Lol I have both throttle mapped L and R to my x56 left and right throttles respectively. I use Sim controls. I was flying last night without issue. Nothing changed in-between hardware or software wise. I. Very confused by this. Non of my other modules do this including my dual throttle f14. I am wondering if there is a repair I can do? I am using 2.7.1 btw. Latest update 

  6. 3 minutes ago, razo+r said:

    Do you have split throttles?


    If yes, do you have them perfectly at the same input? If not, it will induce a, depending on the difference of the setting, a yaw and roll a bit.

    I do have split throttles. They are locked together. I can try to map to single throttle to test the theory. 

  7. When I air start in the F18 and choose Fly, when the sim unpauses the plane seems unbalanced. I have a symmetrical load on, and it even does it on an empty load. It sways left to right and up and down at first and then settles down. After that, it seems like the trim is off and set right wing down slightly. I have checked all of my controls nothing is overlapping and everything is centered and deadzones are set. You can see in my control inputs window that evrything is centered. This just started randomly happening today and nothing has changed. I was flying yesterday no problem. This does not occur on any other aircraft. I have also tried many different missions and maps, all with the same result. I even made a mission with 1 f18 air start and no wind. Same thing. Is anyone else having this issue? 


    I tried to follow the instrcutions for repair of DCS but I can not find a repair exe in the install directory and I can not find Eagle Dynamics in the start menu. I have DCS on a separate SSD and I have also rebuilt my OS since the initial install. 


    11 hours ago, cjladd11 said:


    Did you do a full cold start on the carrier? Proper alignment? I did one this morning and ATFLIR worked just fine.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro


    I did do a full Cold and Dark. Alignment I am doing is stored heading. It aligns fully and all DDI warnings go away. Did you do stored heading alignment as well? As soon as I take off from the carrier the POD is able to be uncaged. Strange. Are you able to uncage while on the deck? Even doing a hot start on the carrier gets me the same results if I want to uncage while still on the deck. 

  9. I think i just figured it out. I was starting on the carrier. I have know idea if this is intentional or not, but you can not uncage the TPOD on the carrier deck. You can on a ground start and as soon as you take off from the carrier. I was trying this on the deck cold and dark start. I thought  I was missing something. I tried a hot start and got the same results. So I hot started on the ground at an AB and then it worked. I knew at that point at least my module wasn't broken. I tried again on the carrier and took off and was then able to uncage the pod. For some reason I did not try a ground start before posting here. Thank you for your reply. 


  10. 9 hours ago, Tholozor said:

    The pod powers up with the seeker head in the caged position, press VVSLV to point it forward.

    When I choose VVLSV nothing happens. Ive watched videos on it and I see that pressing VVSLV, even on the ground which I am doing here, will get the TPOD to uncage. I have it fully powered on too. Not in Standby. 

  11. Hello,

    I have been able to use the tpod no problem in the past. Now with the ATFLIR and Lighting I get data displyed on the DDI but no image. I am not running any mods. I also did a fresh install of the F18. I am not sure how to run repair. I can not find the repair tool. 


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