Tacview Dedicated Server Issue
I've been trying to get Tacview to record client sessions on a dedicated server by setting:
["tacviewRecordClientsSessionsEnabled"] = true
However when I connect as a client and spawn in, it doesn't create any files.
Tacview does output the expected single file when I set:
["tacviewRecordClientsSessionsEnabled"] = false
I'm wondering if it's something to do with the server pausing when there are no clients and resuming when someone joins?
I.e. In my serverSettings.lua I have:
["pause_without_clients"] = true
["resume_mode"] = 2
Tacview doesn't log anything out of the ordinary to the dcs.log file. My Tacview settings look like this:
["plugins"] = {
[indent]["Tacview"] = {
[indent]["tacviewBookmarkShortcut"] = 0,
["tacviewCompressionLevel"] = 0,
["tacviewDataRecordingEnabled"] = true,
["tacviewDebugModeEnabled"] = false,
["tacviewHostTelemetryPassword"] = "",
["tacviewPlaybackDelay"] = 0,
["tacviewProfilingPeriod"] = 60,
["tacviewRealTimeTelemetryPort"] = "42674",
["tacviewRecordClientsSessionsEnabled"] = true,
["tacviewRemoteControlPassword"] = "",
["tacviewRemoteControlPort"] = "42675",
["tacviewTerrainExport"] = 0,[/indent]
Any ideas on how to troubleshoot further?