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DCS: Black Shark User FAQ



Known bugs data base with solutions and workarounds: EagleWiki:Troubleshooting





Is there a printed manual?


ED/DCS/TFC/TFCSE/1C - who is who?




What form of copy protection does the product utilize?


I have purchased both the Russian and the English version of Black Shark. Can I use my activation key of the Russian version for the English version or vice versa?


What if I run out of activations? Is there a serial numbers replacement?


What protection scheme will be used in DVD box version of Black Shark?




I purchased the online version, now how do I install it?


I'm getting a crash during installation!


Why am I having problems installing Black Shark on my Vista system?


I am using the launcher.exe executable from the \...\bin\stable\ folder to launch the game, but it isn’t starting or results in an error.


The ModelViewer.exe is not launching.


Launcher.exe errors




What are the system requirements to run DCS: Black Shark?


Does DCS: Black Shark take advantage of multi-core processors?


Why does the sim return to desktop when loading a mission?


How can I boost my performance when using MS Vista?


Can I tweak the graphics beyond what is available in the GUI options and maybe boost my FPS?




Why is the trim response reversed for the Microsoft Force Feedback 2 joystick?


When using Saitek controllers, such as the X-52, why is the default collective axis assigned as Slider_0 instead of Axis_Z?


Why is my TrackIR not working in Black Shark, even though it’s working in my other games, including Lock On?


The sim does not respond to keyboard commands and I cannot un-pause the sim. I’m unable to save and restore my joystick profiles.


I am programming my HOTAS using the native profilers (i.e. not the Controls set-up in the game options) and I’m having problems adding commands with multiple keys (e.g. CTRL+C). The sim fails to recognize the modifier (i.e. CTRL).


Is it possible to print out a keyboard/HOTAS commands list?




This chopper is insane! It turns every which way except my way!


How does the trimmer work and how am I supposed to use it?


My trim function is not working. When I hit the trim button and neutralize the joystick, the cyclic in the cockpit also returns to neutral.


Having trimmed the helicopter in level flight, when I press the trimmer again, why does it affect the helicopter’s pitch and speed?


Why does the helicopter pitch up?


What’s the easiest way to initiate a hover?


For non-FF sticks, it is possible to increase the time provided to neutralize the joystick after trimming the helicopter (i.e. the time between releasing the trim button and the trim setting taking effect)?


Is it just me or are the yellow throttle levers and the cockpit door not clickable?


What's wrong with the back-up ADI? It's either not functioning at all or goes completely haywire in roll.




How do I use the Ka-50's Data Link?

Does the Ka-50 carry any air-to-air missiles? The internet says it does!


How am I supposed to fight at night?




Why won’t AI aircraft attack targets as I assign them in the Mission Editor?


The Activate Group trigger is not working for me.


How can I access the coalitions menu after having started the mission design process?


Why is the map in the Mission Editor not the same as the map in the game’s satellite (F10) view and the ABRIS navigation system?


Is is possible to display buildings in the Mission Editor?


Got any tips to more easily populate units on the map, especially FARPs?




I have bought the Russian version of Black Shark. Can I download the 100-mission "Georgian Oil War" campaign that shipped with the English version?




I am hosting a dedicated server and I cannot un-pause the mission.


I can't get the triggers to work in multiplayer.


The Logbook is not tracking my stats in multiplayer.


Is there a way to select the payload in MP games, other than what is already preloaded in the mission?


Are tracks recorded in multiplayer?




I was editing a configuration file and it seems to have broken something big (the file got corrupted/the sim will not start/an error appears/textures are missing, etc).


Is it possible to add custom broadcasting radio stations and audio files to populate the terrain with multiple broadcasting stations that the player can tune into?


I am utilizing the multi-monitor function with the “Shkval+Camera” option selected. Can I reverse the camera and Shkval display monitors?


I'm seeing a white/yellow line on the ground when viewing from inside the cockpit.


Is it possible to assign a single trigger?




Where can I view/download the Producer's Notes videos for Black Shark?




Is it safe to clear my \...\Temp folder?


Common Sage Pay \ PROTX transaction errors.


Is there a flash-based cockpit trainer available for the Ka-50?

Edited by Tez
  • Like 1

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules

Posted (edited)

Q: Which version of DCS is currently available for sale, where can I get it and how much does it cost?


A: The English online (download) version of DCS: Black Shark is currently available for sale through the official DCS website:



Note that you will need to register on the website to purchase.

The price is $49.99 and payment can be made by credit card transaction.


The retail (boxed DVD) release of DCS: Black Shark is scheduled to hit the global market in Q1 2009.


Additional localized versions for German*, Spanish, and French releases will be available as well.


The current retail release schedule for the boxed DVD versions can be found here:





*already released

Edited by Acedy

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules

Posted (edited)

Q: What form of copy protection does the product utilize?


A: The currently available English download and boxed releases of DCS: Black Shark both utilize StarForce ProActive copy protection technology. The products require online activation, which is done automatically if internet connection is available. Black Shark can also be activated via eMail or the StarForce website.


If StarForce detects changes to your computer hardware/software as described below, an activation will be required. The English versions include 8 (eight) activations and 10 (ten) deactivations. It's important to note that deactivations are utilized to save your activations when altering your PC hardware/software. Before conducting a PC upgrade/OS re-install, you can deactivate the product and when complete, reactivate without a loss of activations.



An activation will be required if the hardware/software changes exceed 12 points as rated below:


CPU ID: 13

Windows PID: 3

Computer Name: 3

Hard drive volume serial number: 3

MAC address: 6

RAM amount: 6


If you just uninstall Black Shark and then reinstall it again on the same PC without reinstalling your operating system or changing hardware, you do not need to use a deactivation.


Also note that both the download and boxed DVD versions use StarForce ProActive which doesn’t install drivers or other system modules. The DVD version does not rely on DVD check, and there is no way to launch it via disk check.


For further details on the copy protection system, please see the StarForce FAQ:



In addition, a step-by-step (de)activation guide is available below and will also be included in the product documentation:



StarForce provides an option for manual online activation. For those using the Russian version of the release, a quick guide for manual activation can be found here:



We are evaluating the possibility of providing an additional version of the western release, utilizing Steam technologies.


Owners of the Russian version in case of StarForce problems (excluding activation problems) should contact directly 1C: Multimedia support service (mmedia.hotline{at}1c.ru) with a copy to (support{at}digitalcombatsimulator.com). 1C should forward your request to StarForce support service. It's necessary to include Black Shark registration number in the message body. You can find it in the registration form included in the box.

If neither 1C support nor StarForce answers, please let us know.

It doesn't apply to the owners of the Russian downloadable version. You should contact us directly.


Description of activation log records on Serial Number parameters page

One activates, deactivates and then reactivates the Black Shark:

Activation - a new record Activated, let's call it №1;

Deactivation - a new record №2 Deactivated;

Reactivation - record №2 changes from Deactivated to Reactivated and a new record №3 appears Activated.

Edited by Tez

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules

Posted (edited)

Q: Why am I having problems installing Black Shark on my Vista system?


A: On a Vista system, run the setup.exe executable as the system administrator (right click and select). If you still experience problems, you can try disabling Vista's User Account Control (UAC) when starting Black Shark for the first time.

Edited by EvilBivol-1

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules

Posted (edited)

Q: I am using the launcher.exe executable from the \...\bin\stable\ folder to launch the game, but it isn’t starting or results in an error.

A: The simulation should only be started through the desktop shortcuts or the start-menu icons.

Edited by EvilBivol-1

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules

Posted (edited)

Q: Does DCS: Black Shark take advantage of multi-core processors?


A: DCS: Black Shark uses a modified version of The Fighter Collection Simulation Engine (TFCSE), which was not originally designed to take advantage of multi-core processor technologies. Nevertheless, such systems do generally provide better game performance as a result of their native capabilities.


11/20/08 EDIT:

You can try manually setting the core affinity for DCS to all of the CPU cores, which may boost your game performance. To do this, Alt-Tab out of a running mission, set the CPU affinity for DCS and Alt-Tab back in. You will have to do this every time you run the sim.

Edited by EvilBivol-1

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules


Q: Why does the sim return to desktop when loading a mission?


A: The GUI and the game engine are separate entities and you are seeing the simulation switch from one to the other. There are two reasons for this: 1) shutting down the GUI prior to game start frees up more resources for the game engine and 2) the GUI is written on new technology that is not yet backwards-compatible with the game engine. We hope to resolve this as DCS is updated with upcoming modules.

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules

Posted (edited)

Q: Why is the trim response reversed on the Microsoft Force Feedback 2 joystick?


A: This is a peculiarity of the device. Normal axis functionality can be restored by checking the “Swap Axes” checkbox in the "FF Tune" panel of the Controls set-up window in the game options.

Edited by EvilBivol-1

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules


Q: When using Saitek controllers, such as the X-52, why is the default collective axis assigned as Slider_0 instead of Axis_Z?


A: This is a peculiarity of the device. To use Saitek throttle controllers as the collective axis, you need to manually assign this function in the Controls set-up window in the game options.

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules

Posted (edited)

Q: Why is my TrackIR not working in Black Shark, even though it’s working in my other games, including Lock On?


A: Black Shark requires the latest TrackIR drivers (v. 4.1.036 at the time of writing) and game updates. The latest drivers and updates are available on the official Natural Point website:



Make sure you run the "Check for Game Updates" option next to "Check for Software Updates" in the TrackIR software.

Edited by EvilBivol-1

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules

Posted (edited)

Q: The sim does not respond to keyboard commands and I cannot un-pause the sim. I’m unable to save and restore my joystick profiles.


A: If you are running NewView, this is probably the source of the problem. You need to either Alt-Tab out and back into the sim or rename the NewView folder prior to starting the sim.


(Added. Please, do not use Windows hotkeys (such a Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V etc.) in Save and Load Profile dialogs - it may result to load incorrect profile. USSR_Rik).

Edited by USSR_Rik

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules

Posted (edited)

Q: I am programming my HOTAS using the native profilers (i.e. not the Controls set-up in the game options) and I’m having problems adding commands with multiple keys (e.g. CTRL+C). The sim fails to recognize the modifier (i.e. CTRL).


A: This is a bug in the game input system and will be corrected in the western release and a patch for the Russian release. We have provided a replacement file that should fix the issue. The replacement file has not been thoroughly tested and you will be installing it at your own risk. Before installing the replacement file, you should back-up the existing file located here: \...\bin\stable\NewInput.dll (376 Kb). Replace the existing file with the file linked below (380 Kb):



Note, the new input file is included in the English version. If you are running the English online release, you do not need to download the replacement file.

Edited by EvilBivol-1

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules


Q: Is it possible to print out a keyboard/HOTAS commands list?

A: Yes. Navigate to the following folder: \...\Config\Input\Input_parser\. Make sure you read the readme file contained in the folder. To generate command lists in English, run the Input_to_TXT_eng batch file. To generate command lists in the language based on your OS, run the Input_to_TXT_national batch file. This will generate command list text files for all input devices in the same folder. You can then open the text files in a text or spreadsheet editor, such as MS Excel and edit the information as required.

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules

Posted (edited)

Q: My trim function is not working. When I hit the trim button and neutralize the joystick, the cyclic in the cockpit also returns to neutral.


A: If you have other controllers plugged in, such as a racing wheel, they are probably being recognized by the sim and are commanding the cyclic to recenter. You can try either unplugging the unused controllers or disabling the FF in-game function in the configuration files. To do so, open \...\Config\Producer.cfg and change the “ForceFeedbackEnabled” line from “true” to “false”.

Edited by EvilBivol-1

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules


Q: Having trimmed the helicopter in level flight, when I press the trimmer again, why does it affect the helicopter’s pitch and speed?


A: The flight control system is not perfect and accumulates errors in the angles/speed (depending on the mode) it is assigned to maintain. When you press the trimmer for the second time, the new angles/speed assignments include the errors accumulated since the previous trim setting. To avoid excessive pitch changes when trimming, trim often when airspeed has changed.

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules

Posted (edited)

Q: For non-FF sticks, is it possible to increase the time provided to neutralize the joystick after trimming the helicopter (i.e. the time between releasing the trim button and the trim setting taking effect)?


A: Yes. Open the following file: \...\Scripts\Aircrafts\Ka-50\FMOptions.lua. Look for the following line: “TrimmerTauInverse”. The lower this number, the longer the trim setting delay. Warning! Altering this value will likely result in a failure to reproduce track recordings accurately when they include a player-controlled helicopter.

Edited by EvilBivol-1

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules

Posted (edited)

Q: Why won’t AI aircraft attack targets as I assign them in the Mission Editor?


A: This is a complicated question and there are a few possibilities. Most likely, the attack profile is not properly set in the route. Make sure the AI attack waypoint and the consecutive waypoint are placed such that the AI will always detect the target. Target detection is not an instantaneous event – it’s a continuous process that begins at the attack waypoint and ends at the consecutive waypoint, unless the AI locates the targets in between. The AI scans the assigned target area and may not always detect the targets immediately after reaching the attack waypoint. Therefore, you should place the consecutive waypoint further in the general direction of the target to give the AI more time to search for targets.


Also, make sure you pick the right tool for the job. Because DCS: Black Shark models the individual capabilities of attack sensors on each aircraft, some are better suited for a particular mission than others. For example, an Su-24 equipped with air-to-ground radar and optics will likely detect targets much further than an Su-25, which is limited to attacking what the pilot can detect visually. In some cases, such as night time or poor visibility conditions, some aircraft may be severely limited in or completely unable to detect targets without targeting aids, such as illumination flares or target firing activity. DCS also accounts for cockpit visibility restrictions of each aircraft. In some cases, the aircraft may miss targets that are outside of the cockpit view limits. This problem can be minimized by setting the post-attack consecutive waypoint at a lower altitude and/or slightly off-center. This may help the AI locate the targets by placing the target area “above the rail.” For more information on target detection logic in DCS, see the following thread (some of the information may no longer be accurate):



Finally, the attack routine depends heavily on mission factors, such as threats detected in the target area, number and type of munitions carried on-board, wind conditions (the AI will line up/down wind to drop free-fall bombs), line-of-sight obstructions, attack waypoint speed and altitude, the number of targeting areas in the route, etc. Experiment with different settings to become familiar with AI attack routines.

Edited by EvilBivol-1

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules


Q: Why is the map in the Mission Editor not the same as the map in the game’s satellite (F10) view and the ABRIS navigation system?


A: The GUI is written on new technology that is not yet backwards-compatible with the game engine. We hope to resolve this as DCS is updated with upcoming modules.

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules


Q: Is it possible to add custom broadcasting radio stations and audio files to populate the terrain with multiple broadcasting stations that the player can tune into?


A: Yes. The radio stations are defined in the following file: \...\Scripts\World\Radio\Beacons.lua. Look for the definition of the single broadcasting station in Black Shark (“Radio Mayak”):




beacons[167]["type"] = BEACON_BROADCAST_STATION


beacons[167]["position"]["latitude"] = 44.744348 //latitude in degrees

beacons[167]["position"]["longitude"] = 40.093099 //longitude in degrees

beacons[167]["position"]["height"]=220.0 //altitude ASL


beacons[167]["frequency"]=125675000.0 //frequency in hertz

beacons[167]["power"]=1500.0 //power in watts

beacons[167]["modulation"]="AM" //AM-FM modulation

beacons[167]["path"] = "RadioMayak" //catalog name in \...\Sounds\Samples\


To add new broadcasting stations, simply copy and paste this station and then alter the definition as required (coordinates, altitude, name, frequency, etc.). You can also create a unique audio catalog (“playlist”) for the station by creating a new folder in \...\Sounds\Samples\ using the station’s name as defined in the configuration file catalog line.


You will also need to delete the following file: \...\Sounds\SampleDurationTable.lua. It will be regenerated automatically when the simulation is started the next time. This process may take up to a few minutes.

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules

Posted (edited)

Q: I am utilizing the multi-monitor function with the “Shkval+Camera” option selected. Can I reverse the camera and Shkval display monitors?


A: Yes. Unpack the file below to the following folder: \...\Config\MonitorSetup\. You should now have an additional option in the Monitors setting of the Display set-up screen in the game options, called “Camera+Shkval”. The new configuration file can be downloaded here:


Edited by EvilBivol-1

- EB


Nothing is easy. Everything takes much longer.

The Parable of Jane's A-10

Forum Rules

Posted (edited)

Q: I am hosting a dedicated server and I cannot un-pause the mission.

A: Currently remote administration software will not transmit the 'pause/break' key to the remote computer. You will have to re-map the pause key to a more common key, such as 'p'.

Edited by EvilBivol-1


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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