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Hover Mouse over left side cockpit and desktop Icons become visible and active

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DCS World, Ka-50 or A-10c - When I hover the mouse pointing over the left side of the cockpit( I should say left one-third of the screen) my Windows (Vista and ATI 4800 HD card) desktop icons become visible and active. The mouse icon changes from a yellow crosshair to a white arrow Windows mouse pointer.


If I click on say the Laser Toggle on the left side of the cockpit the screen goes black, but I can still hear the game running in the background. My Desktop will eventually appear with the game still running in the background. I can switch back to the game, but everything slows down after that.


Everything was running great before I updated from 1.2.5 to v1.2.6. What a bummer.


Any Idea?



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Is the option to disable windows aero enabled in your options? I know for me when that is enabled, I get that problem.

i7 7700K | 32GB RAM | GTX 1080Ti | Rift CV1 | TM Warthog | Win 10


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