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First of all I just want to say hello to everyone. I'm rather new to Lock On, but I have been enjoying it very much and can't wait till Black Shark comes out. While waiting for it though I have decided to get ready by doing some work on my computer. I have a question about SoftTh.


I currently have 2 22" LCD's and 2 17" CRT's, what are the possibilities I can use for setting up the three monitors in SoftTH. I didn't know if I could use the two LCD's adn just use one of the CRT's on one side, or if the two side monitors had to be the same size.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.



The above has been based loosely upon my own opinions. :pilotfly:


Hi Stswrebel,

Read trough this thread: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=31757

It should give you helpful tips.


Concerning your question:

First of all: SoftTh works with all monitors - you should have at least three VGA outputs on your system ( A motherboard with build in graphics and a normal graphic card is sufficient) .

You can use nearly any resolution and aspect ratio together with SoftTh.

To help you more I have to now if your monitors are Normal (4:3 or 5:4) or widescreen.


If you are using a 5:4 22" you could tilt both side monitors in portrait mode . And it should align with the middle one. If your middle screen is not High enough you could also try to 'squeeze' the image of the side monitors with the built in monitor options.

Posted (edited)

What I have is 2 22" LCD's that are wide screen, 16:10 ratio. My 17" CRT's are not wide screen. What I was asking is if I could set it up like

17" standard | 22" wide | 22" wide

woudl that cause issues, or would it be better to set up like

17" standard | 22" wide | 17" standard


Also, I am running 2 8800GTX graphics cards.


By the way Urze, you have been an insperation for my current project. If I could afford a touch screen monitor I would be useing that as well. When I saw your set up in the LLTM video I was amazed.

Edited by stswrebel

The above has been based loosely upon my own opinions. :pilotfly:

Posted (edited)

Oh that's bad- If you would run XP you would be able to put the left 17" monitor with with a 'virtual' TV in spanned mode similar like did it with the LLTM set up. This This was necessary because the middle ones where in spanned mode and I got a very squeezed Image on the side monitors.


When I get you right all monitors have the same height , right?


I know that you are not able to have Spanned monitors in Vista but you could Try this (I don't now If it works on Vista but its possible on XP):

Take the right and the middle 22" on your primary card. Than Force TV detection on your secondary.(this will allow you to have a TV on your system without one connected.

Than assign the TV as primary monitor on your secondary card.

Set it on the same resolution like your right monitor.

Than 'clone' the TV Image on your 17'' monitor(atached as secondary monitor).

and change the resolution to something half as wide like the TV.

(yes It do not only sound like many try and errors in front of you...)


Than you should be able to move the 'virtual' TV image around in your 17'' monitor with the mouse. So seeing only 'cut-out' of the Image.


This should prevent you from a totally squeezed image on the left side.


If that doesn't work put the 17'' monitor in the middle and use an positive sideExtraWidth value in your SoftTH.cfg.



Used SoftTh resulution =1280x1024x60

Used secondaryWidth=1680 and secondaryHeight=1050

so your sideExtraWidth would be 1680-1280= 400


In the Lockon graphics.cfg you must use : Middlemonitor res+sidextrawidth+sideextrawidth+bordersize+bordersize(50 for instance) x Hight of the middle resolution.


This would be:

1280+1680+1680+50+50= 4740x1024 (tata!)

and look like that:



resolution = {1280, 960};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 1.9;



resolution = {1280, 960};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 1.9;




resolution = {4740, 1024};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 1.5;


Only change the Simulation value! That will prevent you from not working mouse pointer in the ME/menu of LockOn! It will start as usual in single screen but when you hit fly it will switch to SoftTH.

Edited by urze
Posted (edited)

By the way Urze, you have been an insperation for my current project. If I could afford a touch screen monitor I would be useing that as well. When I saw your set up in the LLTM video I was amazed.


Thank you! -If you want a similar display setting like on the LLTM video or this http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=535159&postcount=322

you have to use three Graphic cards and windows XP -AFAIK.


Edit: I'm working right now on a Tutorial how to use SoftTh wit Lockon-FC and more than three screens. Beside of the text it will also contain many explaining images and some videos. But it is not ready yet.

Edited by urze

I'm at work right now and now I can't wait to get home in order to try this out. I wonder if it would be easier to just use one of the wide screens in teh middle and the two 17" standards on the sides and just run it like that until I can afford another 22" widescreen. But, I'll also try your suggestion and see how it works, though I'm not sure it will recognize the smaller screen as a TV. When I was setting up the screens last night it at first would only recognize the 2 22" screen and not the 17" one, even when I asked it to look for TV inputs. I got it working by plugging one 22" into primary card and the other two into the secondary. At that point it was late and I was starting to make little errors so I quit. I'll have to work on it again this evening. My biggest problem will probably be that I have not done much work with altering config files, so I'm not always sure if I'm doing it right.

Whatever I do, it will be a learning experiance.

The above has been based loosely upon my own opinions. :pilotfly:


The other question I now have is how to view the files in lock on, such as the config and graphics files. when I try and open them in notepad, it is all gibberish.

The above has been based loosely upon my own opinions. :pilotfly:


I was able to get the program to run, but it seems to take the single screen image and stretches it so that I only part of the top of the screen. I tried to use the squash screen, but all I get is a black center screen and the SoftTH logo on the others

The above has been based loosely upon my own opinions. :pilotfly:


Well I was unable to make my system to force TV detection so I have decided at the moment to go with the 2 17" monitors as my side views. I set up the graphics config file at you specified, but it is not working properly yet. When I start up LocOn it runs good, the menu screen is displayed only on the middle monitor, but when I go to start the sim, the screen just constantly flickers from desktop to black screen then back. I can hear the music in the background but can't do anything else.



resolution = {1280, 960};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 1.9;



resolution = {1280, 960};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 1.9;




resolution = {4340, 1024};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 1.5;



























SoftTH: SoftTH v1.07 by Kegetys (D3D8)

SoftTH: Loading configuration C:\Users\Brad Couch\SoftTH.cfg

SoftTH: Can't open config C:\Users\Brad Couch\SoftTH.cfg

SoftTH: Loading configuration E:\Games\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\SoftTH.cfg

SoftTH: Load DLL C:\Windows\system32\d3d8.dll (auto)

SoftTH: Activating Win32 hooks...

STHook: Hooks: Attached

SoftTH: Direct3DCreate8 (ver 220)

SoftTH: Adapter 0: nvd3dum.dll, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX with SoftTH v1.07 by Kegetys (D3D8)

SoftTH: Adapter 1: nvd3dum.dll, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX

SoftTH: Adapter 2: nvd3dum.dll, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX

SoftTH: Added mode 1920x480 f3c

SoftTH: Added mode 2400x600 f3c

SoftTH: Added mode 3072x768 f3c

SoftTH: Added mode 3840x960 f3c

SoftTH: Added mode 4800x1200 f3c

SoftTH: Added mode 13020x1024 f3c


SoftTH: CreateDevice 1280x960 0Hz 22bf 75df

SoftTH: Focus window: 'LOCK ON'

SoftTH: Left monitor ID autodetected as 2

SoftTH: Right monitor ID autodetected as 1

SoftTH: Requested mode 1280x960 not triplehead


SoftTH: 1 backbuffer(s): 1280x960

SoftTH: SwapEffect 1, PP Flags 00000000, Behaviour Flags 00000042

SoftTH: Storing function pointers...

SoftTH: Standard mode: 1280x960

SoftTH: Releasing surfaces...

SoftTH: Releasing devices...

SoftTH: InitStuff done

SoftTH: CreateDevice return (1280x960)

SoftTH: Reset main device (4340x1024)

SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces

SoftTH: Requested mode 4340x1024 not triplehead

SoftTH: Reset fail, result -2005530516 (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)

SoftTH: Standard mode: 4340x1024

SoftTH: Releasing surfaces...

SoftTH: Releasing devices...

SoftTH: InitStuff done


The text file continues, but it just repeats.

Any suggestions?

The above has been based loosely upon my own opinions. :pilotfly:

Posted (edited)

Try this 1.7 softth.cfg and delete my comments.





secondaryHeight=768 (never add higher resolution as in the middle)


secondaryFormat=YUV12 (looks much better thanRGB16)




sideExtraWidth=-256 (you have to set a value when you use a different res as on the middle one!)




; ** Advanced setting for Direct3D games **

; cylindicalCorretionAngle: Amount of cylindrical correction done, use with sideExtraWidth

; hideNondefaultDevices: Hides all but the default adapter from the game

; forceHorizontalFOV: Forces horizontal FOV to be three times as wide

; forceResolutionWidth/Height: Forces device to be created with this resolution

; force16bitDepth: Force game to use 16bit depth buffer, can improve performance and reduce memory use

; sleepBeforeRead: Time in ms to sleep before reading back buffer data from video card

; useMultihead: Uses multihead features of primary card if available, can increase performance and reduce memory use

; Set to 2 to force multihead initialization even if game doesn't create device with TH resolution

; delayedPresent: When useMultihead enabled, delay primary monitor present to sync with secondary head

; swapOrder: Swap order at which the frame contents are copied

; autoSquash: Automatically squash output to middle monitor if only pretransformed (GUI) elements are drawn

; d3d8dll: Path to D3D8.dll/D3D9.dll to use or auto for automatic (system32 dir)














; Win32 API hooking settings - Used for some extra compatibility and game-specific fixes

; doHooking: Enable/disable hooks in Direct3D, with OpenGL hooks are always enabled

; doScaleMouseCoordinates: Scale mouse coordinates for getCursorPos to fix games which do not handle negative screen coordinates properly

; doScaleFromLeftScreen: Spread out mouse coordinates from left screen to full width

; doScaleWindowRects: Scale game window rectangle to triplehead size

; mouseXoffset: Number of pixels to offset mouse cursor position in X axis, to fix misplaced cursor due to negative screen coordinates. auto = use X resolution







; Triplehead screenmodes to add to resolutions list (width multiplied by 3 and border added)

; Must be last in this file





Set this values in in the graphics.cfg:




resolution = {1280, 960};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 1.3333;



resolution = {1280, 960};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 1.3333;




resolution = {3428, 960};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 4;



Now lock on should run fine. After this you should read carefully the thread I posted you in my first answer to set correct view-angel limits.

Edited by urze

I looked through the thread you had posted, but my problem right now is that I can not look at the LUA files. When I bring them up in notepad all I get is a bunch of symbols. What do I need to have to look at those files properly?



The above has been based loosely upon my own opinions. :pilotfly:

I looked through the thread you had posted, but my problem right now is that I can not look at the LUA files. When I bring them up in notepad all I get is a bunch of symbols. What do I need to have to look at those files properly?




Never had such a problem.


So I suppose that the simulation starts now in SoftTh mode-right?.

And you want now a proper view.


- Try also to open the lua files in word or rename them as *.txt and edit them with the texteditor than give them back the *.lua ending. Or simply use my files (make a backup of your files!):




Well, the program will start now, but when I try to start the simulation, the whole thing crashes. I had it where it would start the simulation earlier, but the view was badly streatched, now I can't figure out what I did that is causing it to crash. I do however need to give the computer a good ceaning, so I think I might do that this weekend and see what comes of it.

So my next question is should I wash with a mild soap or more like a degreeser? ;)

The above has been based loosely upon my own opinions. :pilotfly:


That's good to know Urze, I was able to get it up and running though. Apparently if I try and run in with the different resolutions for the menu screen, then it locks up, it I use the same resolution for everything, in the view file, then it runs. There was some terrain glitching on the side monitors and they eventually froze while in the cockpit view though, I'll have to tinker with it a bit more.

The above has been based loosely upon my own opinions. :pilotfly:

  • 2 months later...

I posted in here too


1 more question,


Where should I place the 4 files of SoftTH, in the game directory or in the Config folder?( I placed them in the main game folder)



I tried everything you told me too but its crashing everytime that I select the triple screen. then I get the SoftTH logo on both screens, and both screens keep on flickering until the game crashes.


Obviously I use resolutions of 1024 x 768 and adjusted the settings you told me accordingly.




OK, other post deleted, thanks.


Here are my files:


; SoftTH 1.08 configuration file

; by Kegetys, http://www.kegetys.net



; deviceIDLeft/right: Direct3D device ID's of left and right monitor, or 'auto' for automatic

; secondaryWidth/Height: Left&right monitor resolution, or 'auto' to use same as middle screen resolution

; secondaryRefresh: Refresh rate of left & right monitors, or 'auto' for automatic

; secondaryFormat: Secondary device image format, 'RGB32', 'RGB16' or 'RGB16D'.

; borderSize: Size in pixels of frame border between monitors that is discarded

; noHotkeys: Set to 1 to disable all hotkeys

; noOSD: Set to 1 to disable on-screen display when changing settings (Also disables GDI+ initialization)












; ** Advanced setting for Direct3D games **

; lensCorrection: Lens correction, set to 1 to enable support. >1 to enable by default

; lensCorrectionEdge: Lens correction edge offset

; hideNondefaultDevices: Hides all but the default adapter from the game

; forceHorizontalFOV: Forces horizontal FOV to be three times as wide

; forceResolutionWidth/Height: Forces device to be created with this resolution

; force16bitDepth: Force game to use 16bit depth buffer, can improve performance and reduce memory use

; sleepBeforeRead: Time in ms to sleep before reading back buffer data from video card

; useMultihead: Uses multihead features of primary card if available, can increase performance and reduce memory use

; delayedPresent: When useMultihead enabled, delay primary monitor present to sync with secondary head

; swapOrder: Swap order at which the frame contents are copied

; d3d8dll: Path to D3D8.dll/D3D9.dll to use or auto for automatic (system32 dir)
















; Win32 API hooking settings - Used for some extra compatibility and game-specific fixes

; doHooking: Enable/disable hooks in Direct3D, with OpenGL hooks are always enabled

; doScaleMouseCoordinates: Scale mouse coordinates for getCursorPos to fix games which do not handle negative screen coordinates properly

; doScaleFromLeftScreen: Spread out mouse coordinates from left screen to full width

; doScaleWindowRects: Scale focus window WindowRect

; doScaleClientRects: Scale focus window ClientRect

; mouseXoffset: Number of pixels to offset mouse cursor position in X axis, to fix misplaced cursor due to negative screen coordinates. auto = use X resolution







; Triplehead screenmodes to add to resolutions list (width multiplied by 3 and border added)

; 'auto' adds current primary monitor desktop resolution

; Must be last in this file





















0.000 SoftTH: SoftTH v1.08 by Kegetys (D3D8)

0.000 SoftTH: Module: C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\d3d8.dll (LockOn.exe )

0.000 SoftTH: Loading configuration C:\Users\Maxinus\SoftTH.cfg

0.000 SoftTH: Loading configuration C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\SoftTH.cfg

0.265 SoftTH: Right monitor ID autodetected as 1

0.265 SoftTH: sideExtraWidth autodetected as 85 (1280x1024/1024x768)

0.265 SoftTH: Added auto resolution 1280x1024 72Hz

0.265 SoftTH: loadConfig return

0.265 SoftTH: Activating Win32 hooks...

0.0000 STHook: Hooks: Attached

0.265 SoftTH: Direct3DCreate8 (ver 220)

0.686 SoftTH: Adapter 0: nvd3dum.dll, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT with SoftTH v1.08 by Kegetys (D3D8)

0.733 SoftTH: Adapter 1: nvd3dum.dll, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT

0.780 SoftTH: Added mode 2570x600 f16

0.780 SoftTH: Added mode 3242x768 f16

0.780 SoftTH: Added mode 4010x960 f16

0.780 SoftTH: Added mode 4010x1024 f16

0.780 SoftTH: Added mode 4970x1200 f16

0.780 SoftTH: Added mode 4010x1024 f16

0.811 SoftTH:

0.811 SoftTH: CreateDevice 1024x768 0Hz 22bf 75df 0/0ms

0.811 SoftTH: Focus window: 'LOCK ON'

0.811 SoftTH: Requested mode 1024x768 not triplehead


0.811 SoftTH: 1 backbuffer(s): 1024x768

0.811 SoftTH: SwapEffect 1, PP Flags 00000000, Behaviour Flags 00000042

1.669 SoftTH: Storing function pointers...

1.669 SoftTH: Empty device reference count: 1

1.669 SoftTH: Standard mode: 1024x768

1.669 SoftTH: Releasing surfaces...

1.669 SoftTH: Releasing devices...

1.810 SoftTH: Video memory used: 3.00MB

1.810 SoftTH: InitStuff done

1.825 SoftTH: CreateDevice return (1024x768)

6.568 SoftTH:

6.568 SoftTH: Reset main device (3072x768)

6.568 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces

6.568 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...

6.568 SoftTH: Requested mode 3072x768 not triplehead

7.004 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)

7.004 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:

7.004 SoftTH: res: 3072x768 0Hz, f22, count 1

7.004 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0

7.004 SoftTH: Windowed: 0

7.004 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000

7.004 SoftTH: Window: LOCK ON (Fullscreen)

7.004 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Enabled (f4B)

7.004 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump

7.004 SoftTH: Standard mode: 3072x768

7.004 SoftTH: Releasing surfaces...

7.004 SoftTH: Releasing devices...

7.223 SoftTH: Video memory used: 5.00MB

7.238 SoftTH: InitStuff done

7.238 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3072x768)

7.238 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 1

13.650 SoftTH:

13.650 SoftTH: Reset main device (3072x768)

13.650 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces

13.650 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...

13.650 SoftTH: Requested mode 3072x768 not triplehead

14.087 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)

14.087 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:

14.087 SoftTH: res: 3072x768 0Hz, f22, count 1

14.087 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0

14.087 SoftTH: Windowed: 0

14.087 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000

14.102 SoftTH: Window: LOCK ON (Fullscreen)

14.102 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Enabled (f4B)

14.102 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump

14.102 SoftTH: Standard mode: 3072x768

14.102 SoftTH: Releasing surfaces...

14.102 SoftTH: Releasing devices...

14.274 SoftTH: Video memory used: 5.00MB

14.290 SoftTH: InitStuff done

14.290 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3072x768)

14.290 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 1

14.539 SoftTH:

14.539 SoftTH: Reset main device (3072x768)

14.539 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces

14.539 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...

14.539 SoftTH: Requested mode 3072x768 not triplehead

14.976 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)

14.976 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:

14.976 SoftTH: res: 3072x768 0Hz, f22, count 1

14.976 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0

14.976 SoftTH: Windowed: 0

14.976 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000

14.992 SoftTH: Window: LOCK ON (Fullscreen)

14.992 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Enabled (f4B)

14.992 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump

14.992 SoftTH: Standard mode: 3072x768

14.992 SoftTH: Releasing surfaces...

14.992 SoftTH: Releasing devices...

15.163 SoftTH: Video memory used: 5.00MB

15.179 SoftTH: InitStuff done

15.179 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3072x768)

15.179 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 1

15.506 SoftTH:

15.506 SoftTH: Reset main device (3072x768)

15.506 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces

15.506 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...

15.506 SoftTH: Requested mode 3072x768 not triplehead

15.990 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)

15.990 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:

15.990 SoftTH: res: 3072x768 0Hz, f22, count 1

15.990 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0

15.990 SoftTH: Windowed: 0

15.990 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000

16.006 SoftTH: Window: LOCK ON (Fullscreen)

16.006 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Enabled (f4B)

16.006 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump

16.006 SoftTH: Standard mode: 3072x768

16.006 SoftTH: Releasing surfaces...

16.006 SoftTH: Releasing devices...

16.177 SoftTH: Video memory used: 5.00MB

16.193 SoftTH: InitStuff done

16.193 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3072x768)

16.193 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 1

16.396 SoftTH:

16.411 SoftTH: Reset main device (3072x768)

16.411 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces

16.411 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...

16.567 SoftTH: Requested mode 3072x768 not triplehead

16.988 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)

16.988 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:

16.988 SoftTH: res: 3072x768 0Hz, f22, count 1

17.004 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0

17.004 SoftTH: Windowed: 0

17.004 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000

17.004 SoftTH: Window: LOCK ON (Fullscreen)

17.004 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Enabled (f4B)

17.004 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump

17.004 SoftTH: Standard mode: 3072x768

17.004 SoftTH: Releasing surfaces...

17.004 SoftTH: Releasing devices...

17.129 SoftTH: Video memory used: 5.00MB

17.144 SoftTH: InitStuff done

17.144 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3072x768)

17.144 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 1

18.798 SoftTH:

18.798 SoftTH: Reset main device (3072x768)

18.798 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces

18.798 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...

18.798 SoftTH: Requested mode 3072x768 not triplehead

19.188 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)

19.188 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:

19.188 SoftTH: res: 3072x768 0Hz, f22, count 1

19.188 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0

19.188 SoftTH: Windowed: 0

19.188 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000

19.204 SoftTH: Window: LOCK ON (Fullscreen)

19.204 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Enabled (f4B)

19.204 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump

19.204 SoftTH: Standard mode: 3072x768

19.204 SoftTH: Releasing surfaces...

19.219 SoftTH: Releasing devices...

19.484 SoftTH: Video memory used: 5.00MB

19.500 SoftTH: InitStuff done

19.500 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3072x768)

19.500 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 1

19.906 SoftTH:

19.906 SoftTH: Reset main device (3072x768)

19.906 SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces

19.906 SoftTH: copySurf: Releasing shaders & buffers...

19.906 SoftTH: Requested mode 3072x768 not triplehead

20.327 SoftTH: Reset fail (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)

20.327 SoftTH: -- Begin Present parameters dump:

20.327 SoftTH: res: 3072x768 0Hz, f22, count 1

20.327 SoftTH: MultiSampleType: 0

20.327 SoftTH: Windowed: 0

20.327 SoftTH: SwapEffect: D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD, Flags: 00000000

20.342 SoftTH: Window: LOCK ON (Fullscreen)

20.342 SoftTH: Depth/Stencil: Enabled (f4B)

20.342 SoftTH: -- End Present parameters dump

20.342 SoftTH: Standard mode: 3072x768

20.342 SoftTH: Releasing surfaces...

20.342 SoftTH: Releasing devices...

20.530 SoftTH: Video memory used: 5.00MB

20.545 SoftTH: InitStuff done

20.545 SoftTH: Reset return main device (3072x768)

20.561 SoftTH: numRefsFreeDevice: 1




start_position = {-61, 1.2, -70};

start_position = {-180, 10.2, 630};

start_position = {-153.5, 0.1, 438};

start_position = {-60, 0.2, -60};

start_position = {0, 0.2, 0};



Renderer = "DXRenderer.dll";

Plugin1 = "MitkaGraphics.dll";

Plugin2 = "ZweiBlau.dll";

Plugin3 = "AVIMaker.dll";

Plugin4 = "Weather.dll";

GrEffects = "Effects.dll";

Plugin5 = "RenderEffects.dll";




resolution = {1024, 768};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 1.33333;



resolution = {1024, 768};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 1.33333;




resolution = {3072, 768};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 4.000000119;




resolution = {640, 480};

fullscreen = 0;

aspect = 1.3333;





file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\mfd.lma";

file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\map.lma";

file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\infrared.lma";



file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\landGf2.lma";

file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\mirrorGf2.lma";




file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\landGf2.lma";

file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\mirrorGf2.lma";




file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\landGf3.lma";

file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\mirrorGf3.lma";




file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\landE3Gf2.lma";

file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\mirrorGf2.lma";





around_camera = 100000;

around_objects = 10000;

around_types = {"world", "point"};

preload_types = {"map"};




path = ".\\Bazar\\TempTextures\\";

path = ".\\Bazar\\Effects\\WaterNormals\\";

path = ".\\Bazar\\TestTextures\\";


ModelDescriptions = ".\\Bazar\\ModelLOD.txt";



path = ".\\Bazar\\World\\Shapes\\";

path = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Structures\\High\\";




current = "Medium";



near_clip = 4;

far_clip = 60000;

structures = {30, 2000};

trees = {60000, 3000};

dynamic = {300, 20000};

objects = {3000, 40000};

mirage = {3000, 10000};

surface = {10000, 50000};

lights = {50, 10000};

lod = 0.7;




near_clip = 0.2;

middle_clip = 4;

far_clip = 80000;

structures = {40, 5000};

trees = {100000, 8000};

dynamic = {300, 20000};

objects = {3000, 50000};

mirage = {3000, 15000};

surface = {14000, 80000};

lights = {100, 30000};

lod = 1;




near_clip = 0.2;

middle_clip = 4;

far_clip = 80000;

structures = {200, 10000};

trees = {200000, 20000};

dynamic = {300, 20000};

objects = {5000, 80000};

mirage = {5000, 20000};

surface = {20000, 80000};

lights = {200, 80000};

lod = 1.5;



ShadowLevel = 2;

LightsLevel = 2;

MirrorsLevel = 1;

TextureLevel = 2;

WaterQuality = 1;

FogQuality = 1;

SceneFile = "High";



highFolder = ".\\Bazar\\TempTextures\\";

common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\shelterhangar_BMP.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\LandTexturesBMP.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\LandTexturesTGA.cdds";

spring = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\LandTexturesSprBMP.cdds";

spring = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\LandTexturesSprTGA.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\LandTexturesSumBMP.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\LandTexturesSumTGA.cdds";

autumn = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\LandTexturesAutBMP.cdds";

autumn = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\LandTexturesAutTGA.cdds";

winter = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\LandTexturesWinBMP.cdds";

winter = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\LandTexturesWinTGA.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\MapTexturesBMP.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\Effects\\EffectTexturesTGA.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\TexturesBMP_weapons.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\WorldTexturesTGA2.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\WorldTexturesTGA.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\WorldTexturesBMP2.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\WorldTexturesBMP.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\WorldTexturesBMP1.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\ShipTexturesBMP.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\ShipTexturesTGA.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\CockpitsTexturesBMP.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\CockpitsTexturesTGA.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\Effects\\effects.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\Cockpit-SU25T-TexturesBMP.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\Cockpit-SU25T-TexturesTGA.cdds";

common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\WorldTexturesTGA1.cdds";


season = "summer";



Folder = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\";

Parser = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\RenderStateParser.cfg";

DefaultRsFile = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\default.rsbin";




GF3 = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\materials.lma";

GF3 = ".\\materials_TT.lma";

GF2 = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\materialsE3GF2.lma";


landfile2 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\land.lsa2";

BinScene = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Scenes\\medium.scn";



road = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Roads\\roads.rn2";

road = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Roads\\rails.rn2";




file2 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Onlay\\High\\Onlay_VPP.sup";

file2 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Onlay\\High\\Onlay_Coastline.sup";

file2 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Onlay\\High\\Onlay_Crim.sup";

file3 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Onlay\\High\\Onlay_Cauc_East.sup";

file3 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Onlay\\High\\Onlay_Cauc_North.sup";

file3 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Onlay\\High\\Onlay_Cauc_West.sup";

file2 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Onlay\\High\\Onlay_Mount_Borders.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\map_buildings.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\map_lep.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\map_rivers.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\land_map_L0.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\land_map_L2.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\map_towns_crim.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\map_towns_cauc.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\map_towns_names_crim_en.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\map_towns_names_cauc_en.sup";




map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\map_towns_names_crim_ru.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\map_towns_names_cauc_ru.sup";






L01 = 10000;

L12 = 40000;




L01 = 8000;

L12 = 15000;




L01 = 50000;

L12 = 120000;

L23 = 200000;

L34 = 300000;

L45 = 400000;




L01 = 50000;

L12 = 120000;

L23 = 200000;

L34 = 300000;

L45 = 400000;




L01 = 50000;

L12 = 120000;

L23 = 200000;

L34 = 300000;

L45 = 400000;




L01 = 10000;

L12 = 25000;





lmf = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Structures\\model.lm";

lmf = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Structures\\land_offside_model.lm";


LandTextureLighting = 1;

LandSunFactor = 0.7;



perSquare = 5;

perSquare2 = 150;

front = 1000;

back = 10000;

top = 2500;

map_high = 20000;

bottom = 2000;

noisemax = 0.6;

noisemin = 0.1;




min = 2095;

max = 2505;


ScreenshotQuality = 90;

ScreenshotName = "ScreenShots/ScreenShot_%03d.jpg";

ScreenshotExt = "jpg";

EffectOptions = 3;

Exhaust = 1;

ShadowDensity = 0.6;

PilotName = "No";

FogParam1 = 12;

FogParam2 = 1.1;

ObjectFogMultiplier = 0.6;

CivilianRoutes = ".\\Bazar\\Routes\\";

AviFolder = "Movies/";

PilotNames = 0;


Every thing looks OK - except the version of SoftTh and the logfile...


Please download the 1.07 and do every thing I wrote you again.


Off course with the right resolutions values instead my example.


If than SoftTh still crashes swap the -1 to the other side monitor.

than try again.


Also go into the option menu of FC and choose 3072x1024 from the resolution list.

- than exit

-correct aspect ratio and resolution in -display and -interface mode in the graphisc.cfg of FC.


And try again.


Yesterday I had no problem to run FC with two monitors at one GFX in FC with SoftTh 1.07.


Keep in mind: I have XP - (but it should work the same in Vista)

I'm right now at work so every thing is out of my mind...

Posted (edited)


Maybe Found your mistake:

SoftTh log file:

0.265 SoftTH: sideExtraWidth autodetected as 85 (1280x1024/1024x768 )


Why you are using 1024x768 at the side while having 1280x1024 in the middle?- your card is strong enough for 1280/1024 at both!

Use the auto function !


Use one resolution for both.

And than start to tweak -Instead of doing something that you don't understand until now... ;)

If you using two different res in FC you need also a different value in the Grafics.cfg

for 1280x1024 in the middle and 1024 x768 at the sides would be the correct value in the Graphics.cfg:



And so on....

Edited by urze

OK I downloaded 1.07 did again all the settings that U said, I changed Res to 1280 x 1024, and it starts loading the Quickfly, but when teh loading bar reaches maximum point, it stops there and the right CRT start changing colour and shows broken graphics and remains like that, it never gets into the game, just remains on the splash screen. This is the LOG I have


I noticed some logs saying copySurf Fail!! but donno what does it mean.


SoftTH: SoftTH v1.07 by Kegetys (D3D8)

SoftTH: Loading configuration C:\Users\Maxinus\SoftTH.cfg

SoftTH: Can't open config C:\Users\Maxinus\SoftTH.cfg

SoftTH: Loading configuration C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\SoftTH.cfg

SoftTH: Load DLL C:\Windows\system32\d3d8.dll (auto)

SoftTH: Activating Win32 hooks...

STHook: Hooks: Attached

SoftTH: Direct3DCreate8 (ver 220)

SoftTH: Adapter 0: nvd3dum.dll, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT with SoftTH v1.07 by Kegetys (D3D8)

SoftTH: Adapter 1: nvd3dum.dll, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT

SoftTH: Added mode 1920x480 f3c

SoftTH: Added mode 2400x600 f3c

SoftTH: Added mode 3072x768 f3c

SoftTH: Added mode 3840x960 f3c

SoftTH: Added mode 4800x1200 f3c


SoftTH: CreateDevice 1024x768 0Hz 22bf 75df

SoftTH: Focus window: 'LOCK ON'

SoftTH: Right monitor ID autodetected as 1

SoftTH: Requested mode 1024x768 not triplehead


SoftTH: 1 backbuffer(s): 1024x768

SoftTH: SwapEffect 1, PP Flags 00000000, Behaviour Flags 00000042

SoftTH: Storing function pointers...

SoftTH: Standard mode: 1024x768

SoftTH: Releasing surfaces...

SoftTH: Releasing devices...

SoftTH: InitStuff done

SoftTH: CreateDevice return (1024x768)

SoftTH: Added mode 1920x480 f3c

SoftTH: Added mode 2400x600 f3c

SoftTH: Added mode 3072x768 f3c

SoftTH: Added mode 3840x960 f3c

SoftTH: Added mode 4800x1200 f3c

SoftTH: Reset main device (3840x1024)

SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces

SoftTH: Triplehead mode requested (3840x1024 0Hz), enabling TH

SoftTH: Reset OK

SoftTH: Creating additional device windows

SoftTH: Monitor left: 1280x0

SoftTH: Monitor right: 1280x0

SoftTH: Focus window: 394228 LOCK ON

SoftTH: Creating window (pos 1280x0, size 1280x1024)

SoftTH: Creating window (pos 1280x0, size 1280x1024)

SoftTH: Creating device right..

SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device

SoftTH: Reset main device (1280x1024) FOO

SoftTH: Releasing additional surfaces

SoftTH: Reset OK

SoftTH: Reset return main device (1280x1024) FOO

SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done

SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..

SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces

SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3840x1024, f22, ms0)

SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3840x1024, f75)

SoftTH: Creating tmpTex (2560x1024, f22)...

SoftTH: Creating tmpTexSH (2560x1024, f23)...

SoftTH: Creating tmpTexB (2560x1024, f23)...

SoftTH: Triplehead: cr: 1280x1024, sr: 1280x1024

SoftTH: InitStuff done

SoftTH: Reset return main device (3840x1024)

SoftTH: SetDIBitsToDevice failed! Error 0

SoftTH: SetDIBitsToDevice failed! Error B7

SoftTH: SetDIBitsToDevice failed! Error 0

SoftTH: SetDIBitsToDevice failed! Error B7

<Last message repeated 39 times>


SoftTH: copySurf failed!

SoftTH: SetDIBitsToDevice failed! Error B7


SoftTH: copySurf failed!


SoftTH: copySurf failed!

SoftTH: SetDIBitsToDevice failed! Error B7

SoftTH: SetDIBitsToDevice failed! Error B7


SoftTH: copySurf failed!

SoftTH: SetDIBitsToDevice failed! Error B7


SoftTH: copySurf failed!

SoftTH: SetDIBitsToDevice failed! Error B7


SoftTH: copySurf failed!


SoftTH: copySurf failed!

SoftTH: SetDIBitsToDevice failed! Error B7


SoftTH: copySurf failed!

SoftTH: SetDIBitsToDevice failed! Error B7


SoftTH: copySurf failed!

SoftTH: Device lost! 0 -2005530520 (0 732122592)

SoftTH: GetRenderTargetData/copyRects SH->B failed!

SoftTH: SetDIBitsToDevice failed! Error B7


Here we go again, I changed Resolution to 1024 x 768, both on desktop and on game, the game loads, the mission starts loading and when it loads or almost loaded it crashes.


SoftTH: initStuff, Reset main device done

SoftTH: GetBackBuffer..

SoftTH: Creating additional surfaces

SoftTH: Create new backbuffer... (3072x768, f22, ms0)

SoftTH: Creating depth buffer.. (3072x768, f75)

SoftTH: FATAL, exception EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0) occured at address 0x69602928 at function initStuff

SoftTH: prev bytes: 00 00 89 65 F0 8B F1 8B 8E 60 02 00 00 8B 7D 0C

SoftTH: code bytes: 8B 01 8B 5D 08 8B 50 28 57 53 C7 45 FC 00 00 00

SoftTH: FATAL, exception EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0) occured at address 0x69602928 at function Reset

SoftTH: prev bytes: 00 00 89 65 F0 8B F1 8B 8E 60 02 00 00 8B 7D 0C

SoftTH: code bytes: 8B 01 8B 5D 08 8B 50 28 57 53 C7 45 FC 00 00 00

STHook: Hooks: Detached

SoftTH: ProxyDLL deinit

SoftTH: ProxyDLL Exit

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