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Unable to set MANPADS 'embark to transport' option.


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I realize this isn't really a 'bug' per say, as the sim classifies MANPADS as air-defense vehicles, and vehicles can't embark onto helicopters (yet...), but it is definitely an undesirable behavior, so i'm posting here.


Anyway, I was wanting a way to allow the Huey/MI-8 to transport MANPADS onto the battlefield, thus giving players an additional strategy for shaping air-defenses. However I found that MANPADS cannot be given the 'embark to transport' task.


I was able to find a (clumsy) way around this, by using late-activation MANPADS units which would activate upon a set of infantry being dropped near them, but this quickly gets horrendously complex with trigger zones and trigger events. (I'm working on a mission right now where there are eight locations in the mission where it would be desirable to allow players to place MANPADS, and as a result I had to edit sixty-four separate possible trigger conditions (eight locations + 8 units which could be put into them to activate.)


Anyway, just wanted to ask if it could be fixed to let MANPADS board helicopters.

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Actually it is possible, try mission from this post



You can embark and disembark airborne soldiers, manpads and mortars.

I can not really read that posting, but I suspect that they use lua scripts for the embarking/disembarking functionality. There are several of such scripts available - they despawn the units to "embark" them and later spawn them at the new position when "disembarking". Those scripts can be very flexible and can perform things, that are otherwise not possible.


But we were here in this thread talking about the new (1.2.8 ) standard function of the mission editor for defining embark/disembark tasks for troops. And with that, only "Infantry" can be used.

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