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SU-27 Hotas X

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Im gonna bump this.


It would be realy nice if a "seasoned" Su-27 pilot could share some thoughts on what is realy needed and where it could make sense?




EDIT: Turns out I meant a profile for the SU-25 I thought for sure when I played DCS last I was in a SU-27 but I guess not.

Edited by DarkMajor21
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Hey guys,


I use the TM Hotas X and I'd be happy to share my profile for the Su-27. I don't have a setup for the Su-25 as I've not flown that plane yet. I'm not home now but if anyone wants my Su-27 profile I can send it to you once I return! :)



That would be great!

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I've attached the .html that I created from within the simulator - I hope this is what you're looking for. Just to give a basic idea of what I did with this setup:


Buttons 5 through 9 are modifiers, and most of the weapons and flight systems you'll need at hand will be activated by holding one of those buttons and then using the HAT switch to select what you want. For example, all of the various weapon modes, as well as navigation mode, are accessed with either Button 5 + Up/Right/Left/Down or Button 9 + Up/Right/Left/Down. Radar settings are modified with Button 6 + the HAT switch, Button 7 + the HAT switch modifies trim, and Button 8 + the HAT switch sets landing gear, wheel brakes, flaps, and air brake.


I won't go too much further into detail since all of the controls are shown on there, but definitely let me know if you have any questions about it. Also, I'm not sure if the HTML file allows you to load my controls right into your DCS World - if not, and there is an alternative way to share a profile that would allow it, let me know and I'll be glad to do that for you so that you don't have to punch in all these controls manually!


Another note - there are some controls that I'm not too thrilled about how I've set them (e.g. Button 12 is a modifier which requires your hand to come off the throttle), but since I'm pretty new to DCS, I've been spending more time learning how to fly than worrying about my button layout being perfect. Obviously you can change it however you like, but I may eventually come up with an easier solution so that you don't have to remember which button goes in combination with which direction on the HAT switch (I've got it down pretty good now but it definitely has a learning curve!).


Finally - I use my own custom TrackIR rig, so you will not find any viewing controls in my profile! I hope you do the same, otherwise you'll need to rebind as needed. Currently, the HAT switch with no modifiers held will move the reticule on the HUD.


Good luck, and again, questions and suggestions are welcome! :joystick:



EDIT: Well, all it took was looking a few inches up higher on my screen to realize that there is a clearly stated "SAVE PROFILE AS" button. :doh: Now, you will find the .diff.lua file that I extracted from DCS World for my Su-27 controls attached to this post as well.



Edited by Roald Hoffmann
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