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Windows 7 batch file


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For many years I've been using a batch file to start Black Shark 1.0.1, Voice Activated Commands and TrackIR5 under Windows Vista.

I recently installed Black Shark 1.0.1, Voice Activated Commands and TrackIR5 under Windows 7. The batch file starts both VAC and TrackIR, but displays "Cannot find Console" in the command prompt and does not load Black Shark. I've tried deleting "--Console" but Black Shark still does not load and displays "directory is invalid" in the command prompt.


@echo off

REM Start BS, VAC and TrackIR. Then, close BS and VAC.

start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\NaturalPoint\TrackIR5\TrackIR5"

start "" /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eagle Dynamics\Ka-50\bin\stable\launcher.exe" --Console

start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\VAC System\VACSystem.exe" MyShark.xml,True

echo To close VAC


taskkill /im VACSystem.exe

taskkill /im TrackIR.exe



I'm not up to speed on Window 7 batch files or scripts. Can anyone tell me how to modify this batch file, or write a new file, to start Black Shark?


Edited by dsobbe
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Check the path - doesn't look right?


If right, i think you should remove the /D in the start command - that switch expects a path - not a full filename.


or should be


start "" /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eagle Dynamics\Ka-50\bin\stable" launcher.exe --Console


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Check the path - doesn't look right?


If right, i think you should remove the /D in the start command - that switch expects a path - not a full filename.


or should be


start "" /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eagle Dynamics\Ka-50\bin\stable" launcher.exe --Console



You're right. After a lot of reading and editing I found that line should read:


start "" /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eagle Dynamics\Ka-50" bin\stable\launcher.exe --Console


A matter of the quote mark (") being in the wrong place. My batch file is located in \KA50\. That is why the quote mark is there.

There is also a discussion of this kind of problem here:




At any rate, My batch file now starts and then closes all three programs cleanly and correctly. Thanks for your input. :thumbup:


Edited by dsobbe
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