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Rotate View shown in Headset When in Sim


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I fly a desk not an A10 so I'm not in shape (understatement) and flexible like a military pilot. By straining I can see just barely past the wingtips of the A10. Is there a way to use a key or the POV to rotate your view in the headset 45 or 90 degrees without moving your head? Or a way to scale your head rotation versus view rotation like you can do with joystick axes?


Another flightsim I fly (AH3) allows the POV to still function in my Rift, but I find it much more comfortable to think of it as a view rotation hat. If I'm trying to look aft of the left wingtip, for instance, pushing the POV fwd-left will rotate the view 45deg, so now I can see most of the way aft. Just eye movement is required to reacquire the same spot as before hitting the hat. Much more comfortable (non-nausea inducing) and natural then pushing the POV to left-aft and having to swivel head and eyes to look at the same spot.


As far a being not realistic. Well, I'm realistically not a military pilot nor is their vision constrained as much as we are in a Rift (must really be awful for them when they wear NVGs though).

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