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Wanted - Test Pilots.


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Would you like to fly the most advanced A-10C cockpit simulator outside of the military?


For a very limited time and for very limited numbers I'm offering flights in the simulator, which is located in South East London, absolutely free.


Why am I doing this?

I'm working on a plan to commercialise the cockpit to get money to fund future developments (4K projectors, motion platform, F/A-18 sim). I'm offering test flights to the DCS community to gauge interest and to gain feedback.


Interested? Please send me a PM and tell me who you are and why you want to fly the sim. If your application is successful, I'll get back to you with more details. Please post general questions to this thread.



This limited offer is for the purposes of Alpha testing 'The Warthog Experience' I will, circumstances permitting, honour any bookings made. However I reserve the right to terminate this offer at any time. I will post notice of termination on this thread.


The pit has come on quite a way since I posted this video (below) over a year ago. The MFDs and RWR are now working and the AOA and AAR indicators are installed and working on the canopy rail.

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