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Radio Pre-Set in ME not accessible without the model


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Hi, is there a way to take control over the pre-set of the radio channels in the ME, without having the M2000C?


When i build a mission with M2000C as clients, i have no access to the radio panel.

And afaik, there is a bug, that the default pre-set is not available after a respawn into a M2000C?!?

Playing: F-16C

Intel i7-13700KF, 64GB DDR5 @5600MHz, RTX 4080 ZOTAC Trinity, WIN 11 64Bit Prof.

Squadron "Serious Uglies" / Discord-Server: https://discord.gg/2WccwBh


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Hi, is there a way to take control over the pre-set of the radio channels in the ME, without having the M2000C?


When i build a mission with M2000C as clients, i have no access to the radio panel.

And afaik, there is a bug, that the default pre-set is not available after a respawn into a M2000C?!?


I don't know. We'll check.

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