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Hi guys!

I'm calling for help.

I've been working on a concept for DCS multiplayer for several months already. Let's say WIP name "3rd gen league".

So far I asked for help of some friends, but things going slow at this point, I didn't have much time for it and I think research came to the point when it needs more experiments and less theory.



Here is the wip description:



Purpose: create as much balanced and competitive environment as possible for so called 3rd gen planes in DCS which will instigate usage of different aspects of aircraft warfare. Such as: Non BVR A2A, A2G, VFR and navigation in general (no F10 map labels), Team play, live strategical decision making, tactics in general.



Concept: Use any of the DCS tools to force players to combine all aspects (determined in “Purpose”) in one match/round etc, but not stay on only one aspect. Find potential exploits and try to avoid them by adding new rules or mechanics.

We did test concept and so far I just need more statistics to start shape event maps..




The goal is to organize events for 3rd gen. planes in DCS. We prepare an event - map and rules for you, and you need only to perform and have fun. It will not be some 24/7 server because at this point its not really possible for us to script all what we have in mind for that thing. We will just gather as community inside community and organize events based on competing teams proposed time (sort it out as it goes).



I expect little attention to this initiative so let's set teams minimum of 3 pilots for starters.


When we will gather at least two teams we can discuss test events dates and rules separatelly.


At first I wanted to do this only as MiG-21 vs F-5. But since Viggen appeared I'm thinking about possibility to fit it in.

So your teams should drive at least one of those DCS planes: MiG-21, F-5 or Viggen.


The match itself will be possibly split into rounds, each round each team will have only one takeoff, no refuel or rearm, and both teams will have targets which they will choose to defend or to attack, so far I'm thinking to put formidable air defence.. Tests should show us how possible competitive environment for those planes is and what we can do to adjust it.



AKA LazzySeal

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