Video Posted July 31, 2017 Posted July 31, 2017 Is it possible to export the RWR with the F-5 module? I know it is possible with other modules (ie A-10C, KA-50), I have experience exporting and creating multi monitor setups(editing .lua). I even have a .lua config file for the F-5E with the RWR listed as an export from the last time I played, but I can not remember if it worked and actually exported the RWR since it was over a year ago that I last played.(it does not work now) Being that it has been over a year with many updates to DCS, it may be possible that something has changed that I am unaware of. I went back to basics and consulted as a refresh and created a few new config .lua without any success. I can post the .lua to this thread later when I am home. In brief 1. Is it possible to export the RWR with the F-5 module? / Has anyone done it? 2. If so would you mind posting your .lua? Or giving me some insight. 3. Has there been an update to the way that you need to edit .lua's? I know it is very difficult for someone to help trouble shoot with limited info, so as stated I will post my .lua files later. Please ask me for any other info that you may need to help me solve the issue. Thanks in advance and its great to be flying again in DCS. [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
Video Posted July 31, 2017 Author Posted July 31, 2017 This is the original lua I had last time I played, I can not remember if the RWR worked at that time but I have to believe it did otherwise I would have stopped and tried to fix it at that time. Right_MFCD works RWR does not. _ = function(p) return p; end; name = _('F-5E'); Description = 'F-5E' Viewports = { Center = { x = 0; y = 0; width = 5760; height = 1080; viewDx = -0; viewDy = 0; aspect = 5760 / 1080; } } RWR = { x = 5760; y = 120; width = 640; height = 480; } RIGHT_MFCD = { x = 6400; y = 120; width = 640; height = 480; } UIMainView = Viewports.CenterThis is the the new one that the RWR does not work on either. Every thing else works fine. _ = function(p) return p; end; name = _('F-5E Alt'); Description = 'F-5E Alt' Viewports = { Center = { x = 0; y = 0; width = 5760; height = 1080; viewDx = -0; viewDy = 0; aspect = 5760 / 1080; } } RWR = { x = 6160; y = 40; width = 400; height = 400; } RIGHT_MFCD = { x = 5760; y = 40; width = 400; height = 400; } UIMainView = Viewports.CenterThis is a clean install of DCS, I have not edit any other files. Which actually could be a problem. RWR working as an export might rely on another file being edit that I have forgotten about over the years. [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
airdog Posted August 3, 2017 Posted August 3, 2017 It is possible. I just messed with the files and got it to work like this below Your Monitor Config needs the below code added to it and then your own coordinates F5E_RWR_SCREEN = { x = 606; y = 1354; width = 150; height = 150; } This is what the AN_ALR87_init.lua should look like. Its located in the x:\DCS World\Mods\aircraft\F-5E\Cockpit\Scripts\AN_ALR87\indicator Folder dofile(LockOn_Options.common_script_path.."devices_defs.lua") dofile(LockOn_Options.common_script_path.."ViewportHandling.lua") indicator_type = indicator_types.COMMON purposes = {render_purpose.GENERAL} try_find_assigned_viewport("F5E_RWR_SCREEN") ---------------------- rwr_symbols_bound = 0.027 -- coeff to limit indication on RWR when symbol can't be place on RWR entirely -------PAGE IDs------- id_Page = { PAGE_OFF = 0, PAGE_MAIN = 1, PAGE_BIT = 2, PAGE_TEST = 3 } id_pagesubset = { COMMON = 0, MAIN = 1, BIT = 2, TEST = 3 } page_subsets = {} page_subsets[id_pagesubset.COMMON] = LockOn_Options.script_path.."AN_ALR87/indicator/AN_ALR87_COMMON_page.lua" page_subsets[id_pagesubset.MAIN] = LockOn_Options.script_path.."AN_ALR87/indicator/AN_ALR87_MAIN_page.lua" page_subsets[id_pagesubset.BIT] = LockOn_Options.script_path.."AN_ALR87/indicator/AN_ALR87_BIT_page.lua" page_subsets[id_pagesubset.TEST] = LockOn_Options.script_path.."AN_ALR87/indicator/AN_ALR87_TEST_page.lua" ---------------------- pages = {} pages[id_Page.PAGE_OFF] = {} pages[id_Page.PAGE_MAIN] = {id_pagesubset.COMMON, id_pagesubset.MAIN} pages[id_Page.PAGE_BIT] = {id_pagesubset.COMMON, id_pagesubset.BIT} pages[id_Page.PAGE_TEST] = {id_pagesubset.COMMON, id_pagesubset.TEST} init_pageID = id_Page.PAGE_OFF use_parser = false --- master modes F5E_ALR87_OFF = 0 F5E_ALR87_MAIN = 1 F5E_ALR87_BIT = 2 F5E_ALR87_TEST = 3 ------------------------------------ pages_by_mode = {} clear_mode_table(pages_by_mode, 3, 0, 0) function get_page_by_mode(master,L2,L3,L4) return get_page_by_mode_global(pages_by_mode,init_pageID,master,L2,L3,L4) end pages_by_mode[F5E_ALR87_OFF][0][0][0] = id_Page.PAGE_OFF pages_by_mode[F5E_ALR87_MAIN][0][0][0] = id_Page.PAGE_MAIN pages_by_mode[F5E_ALR87_BIT][0][0][0] = id_Page.PAGE_BIT pages_by_mode[F5E_ALR87_TEST][0][0][0] = id_Page.PAGE_TEST opacity_sensitive_materials = { "font_RWR", "INDICATION_RWR" } 1 Airdog | Asus ROG Strix Z370-E Mobo | i7 8700K @ 4.7 | 32 GB DDR4@3200mhz | Gigabyte 2080Ti OC 11GB| Samsung M.2 960 Evo 250Gb and 500Gb | Win10 Pro | Hotas Warthog #02743 | Track IR 5 | Toshiba 47" 120hz LED | Acer 23" Touchscreen | HELIOS |Oculus Rift-S|
Video Posted August 3, 2017 Author Posted August 3, 2017 Thanks Airdog, I was missing the second piece of code that goes into the AN_ALR87_init.lua file. Once I added, it works. Thanks. [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]
Habu_69 Posted October 28, 2017 Posted October 28, 2017 (edited) My RWR exports the data to the proper viewport, but NOT the background RWR image. I see the RWR data superimposed on an image of the main/center monitor view of the cockpit. Any suggestions? Edit: Probem solved. MonitorSetup viewport issue. Edited October 29, 2017 by Habu_69
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