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Spawning Groups and Late Activate


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I am currently trying to achieve a simple BFM Mission.

I have a Group with 2 Aircrafts on the Airfield with a predefined route.

The Group is on "late activate".


First I tried cloneGroup, but I does not spawn the aircrafts in the exact same parking spot nor does it copy the route 100% (altitude and speeds missing).


So I tried respawn group. Everything looks perfect so far. With one minor issue.

When I try to get the Group with Group.getByName('name') and then get its Units, there are no units in this group... even though I see the units taking off.

The groupName is the same as the group with late activation, so my guess is its getting the late activation group and not the newly spawned one.


I also tried to destroy the group on start up, but then again, on respawn the parking spots are not the same.


Maybe I can get the correct group by its groupId, but I can't seem to find any function that gets me the group by its id.


Anyone any ideas?




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