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[NO BUG] Radar in Pulse mode vs landed aircraft.


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As an experiment as RIO I had the radar on while my pilot was practicing carrier landings. I got a return in pulse mode. Initial thought was it must be the carrier! Locked the contact and landed... other friend who was in another aircraft on the carrier started taxiing to the catapult and I got a bearing change following him.


So the radar could see him but not the carrier which I dont believe is realistic behaviour.


Will attempt to replicate and post a track when I have spare time.

Edited by IronMike
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As an experiment as RIO I had the radar on while my pilot was practicing carrier landings. I got a return in pulse mode. Initial thought was it must be the carrier! Locked the contact and landed... other friend who was in another aircraft on the carrier started taxiing to the catapult and I got a bearing change following him.


So the radar could see him but not the carrier which I dont believe is realistic behaviour.


Will attempt to replicate and post a track when I have spare time.


I already filed a defect for something related.

I could PD STT the carrier or another small moving ship that should clearly have been hidden among ground clutter or within the notch filter. Pick one :-D

Lincoln said: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

Do not expect a reply to any questions, 30.06.2021 - Silenced by Nineline

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Pulse Mode is supposed to be easily able to pick up boats on the see, dispite sea clutter noise, because of the reflectivity of boat vs sea.

It was used to locate the Carrier sometimes.

Now, in Pulse Doppler, the Carrier should definitely be hidden by the mainlobe clutter filter.

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