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Carrier Strike Group 8 - Looking for Hornet and Tomcat drivers/RIO's

Turbo Shartz

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WARNING: Long ass post ahead. TLDR at the bottom.


Carrier Strike Group 8 is a DCS (Running Open Beta) Relaxed Milsim community founded on February 3rd, 2019. Our goal with this community is to offer a place for those of us who enjoy in-game realism and simulation but don't necessarily enjoy an overbearing military structure in the community's social environment. Along with that we wish to share our awesome experiences with other people, and as many of you know, this game only gets better with more like minded players by your side! We have a minimum age requirement of 17 years old that is strictly enforced. We are based in Central United States and thus follow the Central Standard Time Zone for all scheduling. We offer weekly operations that are handmade and tweaked to maximize fun while maintaining that sense of immersion. Our operations occur Saturdays at 8:30pm CST and last anywhere between 1 to 2 hours. Trainings occur on Sundays with a time that is determined by respective squadrons.


Why join us?

We aim to offer an immersive in game experience while at the same time giving room for a relaxing social environment for everyone to enjoy hanging out with one another, and even play other games. Our members play games ranging from Apex Legends to War thunder to League of Legends and that's to just name a few. We just want to gather people who love DCS into one place so that we can play the game we all love together.

As a younger unit, joining us would most certainly result in your ability to directly influence our culture and our policies. We have a very open minded command staff, so if you have suggestions, we will listen. However, we don't expect anyone to come up with ideas for us. So if you just want to login to a place occasionally and play DCS, we are the perfect group for you!

We offer training courses every Sunday for those who are still trying to get up to speed on the whole airframe or small aspects of the airframe. Our Commanding Officers were chosen due to their knowledge, skill, and commitment to their squadron and the Strike Group as a whole. If you have a question or don't know how to do something, they are more than willing to work with you and teach you how to do anything.


Our Squadrons:

VFA-81 "Sunliners"

F/A-18C squadron tasked with mostly strike, CAS, and SEAD missions. They are looking for those who love everything about the hornet and want to move some mud with her.

VF-11 "Red Rippers"

F-14B squadron that is tasked with CAP, Intercept, FAC, Recon, and Fast Strike missions. You can find them in the mission providing support for our Hornet squadron and keeping them safe from all aerial predators. They also provide the hornets with laser designation.


Additional Notes:

-All CSG-8 pilots must undergo carrier qualifications as of 4/6 in order to participate in our operations. This was implemented for obvious reasons, although we are relaxed, we need to have some standards and being a naval unit, no standard is more important than the ability to land on a carrier consistently without dying (WE DON'T GRADE). For questions regarding this, please join our discord (link below) and get in touch with CDR Binder who can answer your questions.

-On top of the carrier qualification, we have pilot and NFO specific qualifications in order to achieve your wings. Wings are not required to fly in operations but let us know who knows there stuff with their respective airframe/seat and lets new people know who they can go to for advice or help.

-There are NO joining requirements other than those listed on our application. Those requirements are super basic, mainly concerned with you actually owning either the F-14B or the F/A-18C modules.

-We utilize the Open Beta version of the game. We are like all of the big MP servers. If you don't know how to convert to the Open Beta version, speak with one of our CO's, they can help you.

-We use SRS for all communications in operations. you must have this installed (don't worry, we can help you) to play in operations.


TLDR: Carrier Strike Group 8 is a chill group of DCS enthusiasts with F-18 and F-14 squadrons. We love in game realism AND a relaxed social environment. We are a young unit, so are open to new ideas on policy. The two squadrons are VFA-81 (F-18) and VF-11 (F-14) and both squadrons have open slots. For any questions, please join our discord (link below) and message Binder, R. Green, or Luke Jefferson. We have basic qualifications and even more basic requirements to join. All requirements can be found on our application on our website (link below). If you love DCS and want a chill and relaxing community but still maintains in-game immersion, check us out!


If you’re interested in joining, apply on our website at https://vcsg8.enjin.com/

If you would prefer to ask some questions prior to applying, join our discord at https://discord.gg/dyKDgs6

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