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Target GUI setup doing my head in - help


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just come back to DCS after a long break.

Thought this time I am going to setup my HOTAS properly and the way I want it.


I have a Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS Stick and Throttle with Saitek Rudder Pedals.


I have just started using Target GUI - I do not want to get into scripting manually.


First Control I am trying to program is just not working right. This is for the F18.


I am trying to program APU-ON & APU-OFF. This is what I am trying to do.


Switch APU-ON it turns on the APU with LSHIFT+A and turns on LED 5.

Then when I turn off APU...APU-OFF it turns off the APU again with LSHIFT+A and releases the LED.


I turn on Battery first in the Jet before the APU (RSHIFT+B)


I just cannot get this to work.


The APU-ON & OFF are programmed to PULSE the LSHIFT+A.

If I do that I can see the switch just wiggles and stays off. The LED Turns on as expected. Flicking switch to APU-OFF does the same switch wiggles but LED turns off.


Only way I can get the switch to work correctly is to change the command to HOLD. Then the switch works but no other key works as I guess it is just over running the keyboard buffer.


I have also ensured that APU command is not mapped to my joystiq or throttle.


First switch I try and program and I have ground to a halt!


I have attached by small Target GUI file


Any help gratefully received


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Probably the pulse time is too short, it happens to me a lot


So try instead of "Pulse" for the Type try using Press & Release combo


"Press" LSHIFT+A


"Release" LSHIFT+A


In the Delay box on the "Release" command set the delay to 500 if that doesn't work take it up to 1000 and try it


Both these commands should follow each other and the Press and Release have nothing to do with the boxes at the top for the physical switch.


So you should have 2 sets of Press & Release types one for the phsyical switch Press (the boxes) and one for the Release, I hope that makes sense

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Now all I need to do is continue programming and work out why DCS stutters occasionally when in flight!




How much RAM have you got? Going from 16GB to 32GB solved a lot of my stutter issues I had. I would now recommend 32GB for anybody who wants a nice smooth DCS Experiance.

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Today i have 16GB of RAM, but just ordered 32GB for tomorrow.


So we will see if it helps :)


I did look at performance when running and F18 free flight in Dubai was pushing 14.5GB of Ram


Hence why i ordered more RAM.

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Does it stutter in combination to any kind of message about TrackIR or a game controller disconnecting, or do you hear the USB bee-boop or boo-beep sound (like when disconnecting or connecting a USB device).


I had severe issues with this for years and it is a common issue, but often people don't realize they have the problem because they just think it is a stutter on their graphics controller. In my case, it was a multitude of causes, but all related to USB devices causing a DirectX init and DCS not handling that well. You may have read people talk about Windows power saving modes for USB devices causing trouble (not just with DCS). I finally eradicated all the issues earlier this year.


Anyway, my point is, make sure if it is just a very quick graphics stutter vs. the issue I am talking about which was a 2-3 second freeze up on DCS. If the latter, it is probably a USB issue.




Also, regarding the key press delay, you shouldn't need a 500ms key press time in DCS. 50ms should be enough. In fact, the TARGET Script editor defaults to 32ms for PULSE'd commands and I've never had an issue with that in DCS.


You can change the default. When in the GUI, and looking at the screen for programming the Warthog (e.g the Throttle), click on Configuration Options (upper middle of screen). Look for Define Pulse Event Time. On your F18.fcf file, it was set to 25 (the default for the TARGET GUI I assume). Set this to max (33ms). Now all PULSE'ed command should pulse the key for 33 ms.


To test this, run your TARGET program, and click the Event Tester. Switch the APU ON/OFF switch back and forth. It should now press the A key for 20-33ms each time. With the default of 25ms selected on your original file, it was only pulsing the keys for as little as 5-10 ms sometimes in my tests (the A key was pressed for that long, but the LShift key was always 25ms). Now I see why some people have complained about TARGET missing key events. 5-10 ms. is too short. It really should be 50ms just to be safe, but the GUI won't allow setting that. Hmm. I have set default delays to 100ms before for specific games using the SetKBRate() command in the TARGET Script editor. I don't use the GUI, and I'm distressed to see TM screwed this up by not allowing larger values.


So, as Weegie said, you can use Press and Release functions to add your own delay. Good call Weggie!

Edited by Drakoz
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Thanks Drakoz


I agree with all you said too that is also sound advice. If I'm having problems I usually set it for around 100-200 but even that may not be necessary. I've never really experimented so much


I just siad 500 to make sure it did the job but you are right it does not need to be nearly so long


Sort of academic to me though as I now script, the scripts unlock a whole new level of functionality and features. That said starting to learn to script is a real PIA as the syntax is pretty finicky.


Should you change you mind to give scripting a try the best way IMHO is to read about some of the features in the Guide to scrpiting then make a base profile in the GUI.


Run that then pull that script into the editor and hack away. Remember to save it elsewhere or at least rename otherwise the next time you run the GUI it wll overwrite the editor script (and all your changes)

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Ya, TARGET Scripting is the way to go if you can type quickly. It is faster than doing it in the GUI for me.


I start with a blank or previous script as a template where I have MapKey...() and MapAxis() commands for all my buttons and axis already entered, but zeroed out (disabled). It is already set up with all my common DCS configurations (zoom, SRS Radios, Discord, and common key configs I use on all aircraft). I fill out the .tmh file to define my key-combo macros in a single operation, then just copy and paste the macro names from the .tmh file into the .tmc file Mapkey commands, throwing in a few customizations like PULSE or CHAIN where needed.


But I know for many, the GUI will always be easier. I'm glad TM did both, and the GUI is still very powerful. And the cool part about it is, as you use the GUI, you still get educated on how the scripts work even without looking at the actual script as the words and names used are the same.

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