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Multi-monitor, in-game switching of viewports


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Hi all,


I'm running a multi-monitor setup with a 4k monitor for the center viewport and two 800x600 USB monitors as MFDs, combined with TM MFD Cougars. Right now I'm trying to find the optimal configuration for the AJS-37 Viggen.


In the Viggen, the radar indicator goes black when switching to RB75 mode and you only need the TV indicator during target acquisition phase. So, these two indicators never are active at the same time. Now, I thought it would be great if it was possible to share one MFD between these two indicators by switching the viewports in-game, dependent on some in-game status or a controller input. This would leave the second MFD for other stuff.


Has anyone done something like this before?




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Since the way they are set up is via a config file that afaik is only loaded at launch time, I can't see how this would be possible without some third party app.




BTW. You have the TV display exported? I must have missed that somewhere along the line. I didn't think is was exportable.

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Since the way they are set up is via a config file that afaik is only loaded at launch time, I can't see how this would be possible without some third party app.


Yeah, I was thinking the same first. But then I noticed that, with the M-2000C, there is a mappable control input that allows you to enable/disable the radar display viewport in-game. In addition, it is totally legal to have overlapping viewports in the monitor config LUA file. So I thought that, if you could somehow enable/disable the Viggen's radar and TV viewports selectively in game, you could share one MFD between these two displays. I wouldn't care if I would need to spend two MFD buttons to enable/disable those two viewports.


BTW. You have the TV display exported? I must have missed that somewhere along the line. I didn't think is was exportable.


Yes, I have it exported. The viewport is not there by default, you have to add it to the \Mods\aircraft\AJS37\Cockpit\scripts\TV-Indicator\Indicator\init.lua file by appending the following two lines to it:


And then add it to your monitor config LUA file.


Right now, I have the radar display on the left MFD and the TV display on the right MFD, see attached images. The TV display does not look particularly nice, I think it's due to the way the display is installed in the real thing (collimator view). However, it's totally usable and this setup works better for me as the display in the VC. It would of course be awesome if Heatblur would provide a viewport for the actual TV LCD instead of the collimator view :music_whistling:


The only thing that's bugging me with that setup is that I'm basically wasting one MFD, because one of the two MFDs is always dark.



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  • 3 months later...

Bit late to reply, but if you just change

try_find_assigned_viewport("AJS37_TV") to:-

try_find_assigned_viewport("AJS37_TV, LEFTT_MFCD")

Then you can manage without a specific entry in the Monitor config file for the TV, since it will default to using the LEFT_MFCD entry along with the RADAR.


To make the TV display look a bit better, you can edit the base_page.lua and delete/comment out the entire section from about line 18 :-

clip_mesh_verts = {}

... to the end of the loop starting around line 36:-

"for i = 1,number_of_triangles do...


This section seems to draw the black mask. I can't figure the way that the rgb channels are un-aligned, but it's a start.

Edited by mkiii
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