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Air refueling and carrier landing so frustrating - please add "Easy option" or cheat

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Your request makes no sense. DCS is a proper flight simulator

It makes all the sense in the world. Proper flight simulators let you skip over the parts that are not interesting for today's learning session.

❧ ❧ Inside you are two wolves. One cannot land; the other shoots friendlies. You are a Goon. ❧ ❧

It makes all the sense in the world. Proper flight simulators let you skip over the parts that are not interesting for today's learning session.


So does DCS. You can create missions that don’t require A2A refuelling or carrier landings. You can spawn in mid air ready to go, go blow up some tanks and then just exit to the debrief. You are not forced by DCS to do anything you don’t have time to do.

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So does DCS. You can create missions that don’t require A2A refuelling or carrier landings. You can spawn in mid air ready to go, go blow up some tanks and then just exit to the debrief. You are not forced by DCS to do anything you don’t have time to do.

Only in the sense that you can choose not to play DCS at all. But if you do want to play it, then no, you can quite easily be forced to do things you don't quite have the time for (the mission creation itself just for a start) — indeed, that is at the very heart of the matter.


There's also the previously mentioned issue that, if you create missions for yourself, your missions will inherently lose some — or all — of the dynamism and challenge of needing to handle unforeseen events.


So not only does the inclusion of such options make sense from a training perspective and from the perspective of working as a proper simulator, but also from the much more important angle of providing QoL upgrades to a number of players. The only argument against it is one of opportunity cost, but that is so rarely brought up that it doesn't seem like anyone would actually object.

❧ ❧ Inside you are two wolves. One cannot land; the other shoots friendlies. You are a Goon. ❧ ❧

- Sometimes I am experiencing a huge pitch up e.g. when gear down or when levelling off out of a turn (still in ON SPEED AOA) which feels unnatural to me, but of course I don't have any real world experience. I was able to compensate that by cutting off the throttle short before levelling out and smoothly increasing throttle after level out.

That's how it's supposed to be. When exiting a turn, your flight surfaces immediately generate more lift and you have to cut power to compensate. Also add power before entering a turn. Sounds like you're doing it correctly.

And I do think that the FM will be further tweaked indeed.

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F/A-18C, F-15E, AV-8B, F-16C, JF-17, A-10C/CII, M-2000C, F-14, AH-64D, BS2, UH-1H, P-51D, Sptifire, FC3
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That's how it's supposed to be. When exiting a turn, your flight surfaces immediately generate more lift and you have to cut power to compensate. Also add power before entering a turn. Sounds like you're doing it correctly.

And I do think that the FM will be further tweaked indeed.


In the interest of learning, technically all you are doing is changing the direction of lift. In a turn, some of the lift is used to turn the aircraft. This is the horizontal component of lift. When you remove the horizontal component, the lift is available to be applied vertically.


So to maintain a level turn/or a constant descent angle at constant AOA, add power as you roll in and subtract it as you roll out.






In the interest of learning, technically all you are doing is changing the direction of lift. In a turn, some of the lift is used to turn the aircraft. This is the horizontal component of lift. When you remove the horizontal component, the lift is available to be applied vertically.




So to maintain a level turn/or a constant descent angle at constant AOA, add power as you roll in and subtract it as you roll out.


Indeed, correct you are.

The vCVW-17 is looking for Hornet and Tomcat pilots and RIOs. Join the vCVW-17 Discord.


F/A-18C, F-15E, AV-8B, F-16C, JF-17, A-10C/CII, M-2000C, F-14, AH-64D, BS2, UH-1H, P-51D, Sptifire, FC3
i9-13900K, 64GB @6400MHz RAM, 4090 Strix OC, Samsung 990 Pro

Username / post combo don't compute :D


That said: while I don't have problems AARing, I wouldn't mind an easy option for those who struggle. I too think, that the prio is rather low, though.



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