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Using EOS and some other things...

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Hi... i´m a user of Flanker 2.03 (have no money to lock on and no money for a new PC) and would like to know a couple of things...


First one, how do i detect and track targets with the EOS

Second one, this is about KAB bombs... i mean i lock on the target i got it and i´m flying level to it... but what are the truth and exact conditions to get the NP cue? thank you anyway...:thumbup:

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Hi, I Don't know Flanker 2.03, but maybe try - setting up a suitable target (maybe even a friendly) to see if you can get a lock, fly up to about a Km or so behind them then go to a combat mode (try hitting "2" or "3" as a starter), then press "o" (that's "Ohh" not "Zero" ), then select an IR guided weapon & see if you get a LA - or - more sensible still - go to the in-game control setup & see what keys are mapped to what...


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