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is the code being reworked?


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Hi Guys,

Hope I'm not starting trouble, but if you don't ask...

Is there a chance that DCS will release the code to modernize LOMAC/FC? Suppose the code could be reworked to make use of at least dual cores? Might that not make running at higher water settings easier on a system I'm thinking of a post where running the highest water settings on an overclocked quad - 3ghz- processor still is not enough at the high water settings to prevent lowFPS over cities and small towns. Please page down and read this post by DTWD on this page: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=32140&page=2

It gives you an idea of what I'm talking about. If the code could be modernized to benefit from modern CPUs and GPUs, might that not be a noble venture? I'd pay for such an updated code. Maybe DCS and the code-workers could come to some agreement similar to the one DCS has with Sim-Mod for terrains, bases, etc for a mutually beneficial business adventure. Other companies have released sim codes befoer, iirc.

Flyby out

The U.S. Congress is the best governing body that BIG money can buy. :cry:

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I think they have there hands full with finishing BS and putting together a NEW not reworked engine for the DCS. I hope they bring LOMAC & FC into the new DCS engine, that way they can still support LOMAC and FC and provide us with a much needed FPS boost in the process...well that's assuming that the DCS is up to scratch :D.


Upon further investigation it's defo a CPU bottleneck causing the issues.






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