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Waypoint Helper Gate Color

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  • 1 year later...

There is not as far as I know. Even worse, you have no indication that you missed some mandatory gate + the next gate is bigger, but that is not always clear enough from closer - different color for past, current and future gates would be even better. I don't remember how many times I flew the training mission and nothing was happening because I narrowly missed one gate. Very frustrating.

✈️ L-39, F-5E, F/A-18C, MiG-15, F-86F, C-101, FC2024 🛩️ Yak-52, P-47, Spitfire 🚁 UH-1H, Mi-8, Ka-50 III 🗺️ NTTR, PG, SY, Chnl, Norm2 📦 Supercarrier, NS430, WWII, CA 🕹️ VKB STECS+Gladiator/Kosmosima+TPR ▶️ DCS Unscripted YouTube 🐛 "Favourite" bugs: 1) gates not growing regress, 2) L-39 target size cockpit animation regress, 3) Yak-52 toggles not toggling, 4) all Caucasus ATC bugs

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