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Wishes: add ammo state info, auto rearm on/off button, and stay on heading "x" and others

Bravo One

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hello, soo I play on a server that use combined arms a lot and have some ideas to improve the module


1- The only way to know how many ammo the ground unit still have is getting inside the unit, but some units like the sams you can't soo you never know. Would be good to have that info on f10 map

2- Sometimes when the unit is too close from a airfield it will choose to rearm after every shot, what its very bad on some occasions, soo would be good to have a auto rearm on/off or rearm on 10% of ammo button on f10 map

3- When you put a tank on some strategic position, for example to guard a bridge, its hard to make it stay looking to the bridge, you have to put waypoint till you get it but its never perfect. Would be good to have a option on f10 map that you cant manually set the heading that you want to make that unit stay till it see something.

4- Climbing capabilities when manually driving a unit and when AI drive a unit is different. If you put a waypoint the AI will climb the steepest hill wile driving manually it won't. 



I know that combined arms its not a priority module but please save this for the future perhaps, Thx

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