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Error message when trying to start!


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I had the game running fine, and I've been tweaking my X52Pro profile, so I'm going in and out of the game a lot.


I now get an error message



\blackshark\modules\me_options.lua:663:attempt to index local 'devoptions' (a nil value)


and it won't run. Any ideas?

I had also just changed the cockpit resoultion from 512 to 1024.

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I've just looked in the LUA file, not really sure what I'm doing, but I went to the Graphics setting section and found this



graphics = {

textures = 1,

scenes = 'medium',

--terrPrld = '50',

civTraffic = 0,

water = 1,

haze = 1,

lights = 2,

visibRange = 'Low',

effects = 2,

heatBlr = 0,

shadows = 2,

-- Ïðè èíòåðïðåòàöèè ìèññèè/òðåêà ñèìóëÿòîð äîëæåí áðàòü ïàðàìåòðû èç

-- ñîîòâåòñòâóþùåãî ðàçäåëà display_mode.

resolution = '1024x768',

color = '32',

fullScreen = false,

aspect = 1.333333333,

width = 1024,

height = 768,

display_mode =


avi = {

resolution = '640x480',

full_screen = false,

aspect = 1.333333333,

width = 640,

height = 480,

bpp = 32



multiMonitorSetup = cdata.defaultMonitorProfile1,



I see two things that confuse me:


shadows = 2,

-- Ïðè èíòåðïðåòàöèè ìèññèè/òðåêà ñèìóëÿòîð äîëæåí áðàòü ïàðàìåòðû èç

-- ñîîòâåòñòâóþùåãî ðàçäåëà display_mode.


I've seen stuff like this on other parts of the program, don't really know what it's about, but this could be my problem. A few lines further down, I'm guessing that the "display_mode = " line should have something in there (hence the nil value comment in the error message). Can someone post their text of this part of the file so I can modify mine. I've tried putting in 512, but I then get another error message.

Edited by andyfoot
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The text above comes from the meOptions file (opened with Notepad). The error message I get when I try to run the game, I can hear the music playing, but I just get a small window with the error message, when I press OK it just goes back to desk top.

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