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Mouse-click cockpit not working...


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Not sure what happened, but after initially being able to look around with my trackir and clicking the cockpit switches, now I can't click any cockpit switches?! I even hit the LALT+c keys and the mouse cursor in the cockpit is enabled but I am unable to get the little green directional icons over the switches when I mouse over them, and when I try to click on them it doesn't do anything. Such as the Master Arm On switch, I can't enable it either with the mouse cursor or when I click on the LALT+w keys. Come to mention it, I can't even lower the gear with the G key. What gives?

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Your thumb is resting on the ALT key....just kidding, but it sounds like you have some kind of modifier inadvertently pressed (if the key commands aren't even working), possibly by a programmable joystick or something like that? I assume your keyboard is actually working. Try checking everything in notepad, or something more powerful along similar lines and see what is actually being sent by the keyboard and joystick.


That was a pretty wild guess...

Edited by ARM505
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