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HARMs HAD Mode question

Go to solution Solved by WarbossPetross,

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So I am missing something and am trying to figure it out. When I equip the Harm targeting system pod and do an air start everything works fine. I can set up and fire the HARMs just fine but when I do a hot start on the ground when I select HAD mode on left MFD it just says HAD off. what am I missing? Why does it work fine in the air start but won't work in a ground start?


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25 минут назад, GR00VYJERRY сказал:

So I am missing something and am trying to figure it out. When I equip the Harm targeting system pod and do an air start everything works fine. I can set up and fire the HARMs just fine but when I do a hot start on the ground when I select HAD mode on left MFD it just says HAD off. what am I missing? Why does it work fine in the air start but won't work in a ground start?


To the right of the control stick there is a small panel with switches for RadAlt, FCR and two chin hardpoints. As stated above, the HTS pod is on the left pylon while the TGP pod is on the right pylon.

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