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make stick deflection limiter in Mig-29/Su-27 and aileron deflection limiter in F-5 an optional bind


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Neither the stick deflection limiter or the aileron deflection limiter are real buttons but are meant to simulate putting about 20 pounds of pressure on the stick, yanking it back or to the side.  I am assuming this is meant to help fly the aircraft better without small inputs on a PC HOTAS accidently being read as large inputs, which could easily trigger high AOA or over G.  For some it could make it more difficult as it limits inputs.  I think the option of yanking on the stick should be simulated by just yanking on the stick even if we don't need to put 20 pounds of pressure on our PC HOTAS.  I'm hoping we can have the option of the deflection limiter binds in inhibiting the aircraft performance be optional. 

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You'd probably need a bit of a dead zone between the maximum "normal" input and the "override" input to make sure we can get the max normal input without jumping into the override condition, but I think this would still work for those of us who use extensions.

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