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DCS-BIOS stutter and lag


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I'm using the latest version of the flightpanels fork of DCS-BIOS and the latest openbeta of DCS and all my inputs and outputs have a weird stutter and delay, please see the video. When sending data to DCS (turning the potentiometer) it feels like it doesn't get sent until there is enough data, like it is buffered somewhere until the buffer is full. When receiving data from DCS to the CDU screen, 9/10 times its instantaneous, but 1/10 times it either gets stuck for 2-3 seconds and then updates, or updates really slow to then return back to normal a second later.

  1. Doesn't matter if I use USB or RS485, same issue with both protocols.
  2. I have tried different Arduinos, different cables, different pins and different pots. I´m only using the A1 and A5 for GND and VCC because they match up physically with the pot. Issue is the same even if i use other pins.
  3. I also tried only having one single Arduino with one single pot connected, same issue.
  4. There is nothing else running to cause any lag, DCS runs smoothly.

Testing code:

#include "DcsBios.h"

DcsBios::LED masterCaution(0x1012, 0x0800, 13);
DcsBios::Potentiometer lcpConsole("LCP_CONSOLE", A3);

void setup() {

  pinMode(A5, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(A1, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(A5, LOW);
  digitalWrite(A1, HIGH);

void loop() {



Edited by maciekish
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I'm using the latest version of the flightpanels fork of DCS-BIOS and the latest openbeta of DCS and all my inputs and outputs have a weird stutter and delay, please see the video. When sending data to DCS (turning the potentiometer) it feels like it doesn't get sent until there is enough data, like it is buffered somewhere until the buffer is full. When receiving data from DCS to the CDU screen, 9/10 times its instantaneous, but 1/10 times it either gets stuck for 2-3 seconds and then updates, or updates really slow to then return back to normal a second later.
  1. Doesn't matter if I use USB or RS485, same issue with both protocols.
  2. I have tried different Arduinos, different cables, different pins and different pots. I´m only using the A1 and A5 for GND and VCC because they match up physically with the pot. Issue is the same even if i use other pins.
  3. I also tried only having one single Arduino with one single pot connected, same issue.
  4. There is nothing else running to cause any lag, DCS runs smoothly.
Testing code:
#define DCSBIOS_IRQ_SERIAL#include "DcsBios.h"DcsBios::LED masterCaution(0x1012, 0x0800, 13);DcsBios::Potentiometer lcpConsole("LCP_CONSOLE", A3);void setup() { DcsBios::setup(); pinMode(A5, OUTPUT); pinMode(A1, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(A5, LOW); digitalWrite(A1, HIGH);}void loop() { DcsBios::loop();}


What happens when you replace IRQ to DEFAULT SERIAL instead?

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On 2/28/2023 at 1:37 PM, LASooner said:

What happens when you replace IRQ to DEFAULT SERIAL instead?

Sent from my Samsung Chromebook Plus using Tapatalk

The issue disappeared with RS485 now, no idea why. Seems like it was a problem with the FTDI board I used when testing over USB. It's fine over normal USB as well. Strange that it works for programming though but not for DCS-BIOS.

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Did anyone notice the dissiquence between IAS taken from Common Data section and speed gauge of Mi-24P?

IAS via DCS-BIOS has approx 5 sec lag.

But the lag is unnoticeable with FC3 planes.


Edited by milit


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